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Turkish Prime Minister Congratulates Tigran Sargsyan


28.04.2008 10:47

Republic of Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent a
congratulatory message to Tigran Sargsyan on appointment as Prime
Minister of the Republic of Armenia. The message states in part:

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

On behalf of the Turkish people and myself, I extend to Your Excellency
my congratulations on your appointment as Prime Minister of the
Republic of Armenia.

I am hopeful that during your tenure in office, our bilateral relations
will reach such a standard as may promote peace, tranquility, stability
and prosperity in the region.

In our capacity of geographically next-door neighbors, we have a
priority in respect of finding a definitive resolution to the problems
available and building up good-neighborly relationship through dialog.

I am convinced that as favored by this new stage following Armenia’s
presidential elections of February 19, 2008, as well as owing to
Your Excellency’s efforts, specific steps may be taken towards the
settlement of our bilateral relations. With this in mind, I would
like to stress that the proposals submitted to your side and which,
to our firm belief, may facilitate the progress in this process,
still stand on our agenda.

I avail myself of this opportunity to wish good health and happiness
to Your Excellency, as well as peace and prosperity – to the people
of Armenia."

As a follow-up to the Republic of Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan’s congratulatory message on his appointment as Prime Minister
of Armenia, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan signed a communication in
which he has referred to Mr. Erdogan’s proposal on starting a dialog
with a view to settling the bilateral relations. The Prime Minister
of the Republic of Armenia stated in particular:

"I wish to thank you for those congratulations and best wishes received
on my appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

I am convinced that through personal contacts, we will be able to
promote the settlement of any issue of mutual concern.

I would like to reaffirm the willingness of the Armenian Government
to initiate a constructive dialog and establish normal relationship
between our two countries without pre-conditions.

I strongly believe that together with you, we have a historical
mission to complete by shaping an atmosphere of mutual confidence as
otherwise it would be hard to enter into an open dialog and settle
the existing problems. I can assure you that our endeavors will be
aimed at establishing peace, tolerance and stability in the region.

I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency the
assurances of my highest consideration."

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