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ANCA: Sen. Obama Calls for Turkey’s Recognition of Armenian Genocid

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email anca@anca.org

April 29, 2008
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


"It is imperative that we recognize the horrific acts
carried out against the Armenian people as genocide and
I will continue to stand with the Armenian American
community in calling for the Government of Turkey to
acknowledge it as such." – Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)

WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic Presidential Candidate Sen. Barack
Obama (D-IL) pledged to continue his efforts to press Turkey to
acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, in a strongly worded statement
submitted yesterday to the Congressional Record marking the 93rd
Anniversary of this crime against humanity, reported the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA).

The statement by the Senator, who has been endorsed in the
Democratic primaries by the ANCA, was one of 30 remarks by Senators
and Representatives including those by Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid (D-NV), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE),
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and DCCC Chairman Chris
Van Hollen (D-MD). Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) offered remarks at the
April 23rd Armenian Genocide observance on Capitol Hill.

"Armenian Americans value Senator Obama’s consistent and principled
leadership in pressuring Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian
Genocide and to end its shameful campaign to deny this crime
against humanity," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
"He remains clearly the best positioned to bring about real change,
real action, and real hope for an end to the cycle of genocide."

In a statement issued to the Armenian American community on
January 19, 2008, Sen. Obama had noted "America deserves a leader who
speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds
forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that President."

Sen. Obama’s complete April 28th remarks and excerpts from other
Congressional statements commemorating the Armenian Genocide are
provided below.


Statement by Sen. Barack Obama Commemorating the Armenian Genocide
April 28, 2008

Mr. President, last week, we paused in remembrance of the Armenian
genocide , which was carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to
1923. Nearly 2 million Armenians were deported, and approximately
1.5 million of those deported were killed.

It is imperative that we recognize the horrific acts carried out
against the Armenian people as genocide and I will continue to
stand with the Armenian American community in calling for the
Government of Turkey to acknowledge it as such. The occurrence of
the Armenian genocide is a widely documented fact supported by an
overwhelming collection of historical evidence.

I was deeply disturbed 2 years ago when the U.S. Ambassador to
Armenia was fired after he used the term "genocide" to describe the
mass slaughter of Armenians. I called for Secretary Rice to closely
examine what I believe is an untenable position taken by the U.S.

I will continue to push for the acknowledgement of the Armenian
genocide, and I offer the Armenian people my condolences.


Excerpts from Congressional Remarks Commemorating the 93rd
Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): I say to my friends in
the Senate, given how our esteemed colleagues of the past reflected
on this terrible tragedy, I cannot help but think that they would
have surely labeled these atrocities as genocide if only the word
had been coined. The United States has a rich history of defending
human rights, standing up for the oppressed, and speaking the truth
about genocide . However, in spite of support from Members of
Congress and leaders in the Armenian community, the official policy
of the executive branch of the United States still does not
recognize the Armenian genocide .

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE): It is
depressing to think that human beings have not learned their
lesson. The whole world is diminished, wounded, and made poorer by
such tragedies and we must not forget them if we hope to prevent
them. The commemoration of this act of brutality and systematic
murder 93 years ago is important and relevant not only for the
survivors and their descendents, but for humanity as a whole.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA): To that end, I am proud to be an
original cosponsor of Senator RICHARD DURBIN’s S. Res. 106, calling
on the President to accurately characterize the Armenian Genocide
in his annual message around April 24 and to ensure that the
foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate
understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human
rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United
States record relating to the Armenian Genocide.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD): Clearly, patterns repeat
themselves. Which is all the more reason why, in commemorating the
20th century’s first genocide, one cannot help but feel compelled
to redouble our efforts to resolve the 21st century’s first
genocide –that of Darfur. . . .Today, burdened by the memory of
those crimes, we remember and rededicate. Today we return to the
origin of genocide , and we honor the dead. Let us find in their
memory not only grief, but new resolution–to speedily end today’s
atrocities, to prevent those of tomorrow, and to punish all those
who would attempt or carry out evil on such a scale.

DCCC Chairman, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD): I am deeply
disappointed that many of our current officials avoid
characterizing what occurred as "genocide." This avoidance does a
disservice to the memory of the victims and their descendants, and
hurts our moral standing in the world. I hope that one day soon,
this legislative body and the U.S. Administration will properly
characterize what happened to the Armenian population of the
Ottoman Empire.

Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ): We
cannot let denial continue. By doing so, we show the international
community that not only is genocide accepted, but that we are
indifferent. Recognizing the Armenian genocide is crucial to
helping end the cycle of genocide that has continued to plague
civilization. If no one is held accountable, if America and the
International community fail to act, then we allow these atrocities
to continue. A large majority of our colleagues want to support
this resolution. Members want to reaffirm the United States’ record
on the Armenian genocide . Unfortunately, the strong Turkish lobby
is making it difficult for this House to take a firm stance for the

Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY): As each year passes the number of
survivors of the Armenian genocide diminishes further. And while
there is nothing that can be done to alter the past, we can and
should ensure that generations to come know how the Armenian people
suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. It is also important
that this day be marked to commemorate the survivors of the
Armenian genocide so that their fight for survival is honored and
revered rather than forgotten and ignored.

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA): By remembering the Armenians on this day,
as well as the millions of other victims claimed by genocides
worldwide, we can individually and collectively contribute to the
prevention of future atrocities and the end of genocide once and
for all. I’d like to thank the Armenian -American community and the
millions of others who have worked to ensure the American people
never forget the victims of the Armenian genocide .

Rep. Jerry Costello (D-IL): We are here today to fully recognize
the impact of this event. More than a dozen other countries
including France, Canada, Austria, Sweden, and Greece have
acknowledged genocide and passed resolutions similar to H. Res.
106, commemorating those who lost their lives in Armenia between
1915 and 1923. Yet, despite the great suffering of the Armenian
people, they have overcome adversity and continue to preserve their
culture, traditions, religion and history. The United States and
Armenia have had a strong, long-lasting relationship, including
U.S. humanitarian and technical assistance to Armenia totaling
nearly $2 billion to date.

Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA): As I have in the past, as a member of
the Congressional Armenian Caucus, I will continue to work with my
colleagues and with the Armenian -Americans in my district to
promote investment and prosperity in Armenia. And, I sincerely hope
that this year, the U.S. will have the opportunity and courage to
speak in support of the millions of Armenians who suffered because
of their heritage.

Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA): First, there is never a “right time” to
recognize genocide . Ninety-three years have passed since the start
events occurred, and we cannot wait around for a convenient moment
to recognize this truly catastrophic historical event. Secondly,
the scholars have spoken and the historical record is clear and
thoroughly documented. And finally, we have seen over and over
again that Turkey’s warning of disastrous consequences are
dramatically overstated. In fact, in nearly every instance,
Turkey’s bilateral trade has gone up with each of the countries
that have recognized the Armenian genocide –including Canada,
Italy, France, Russia, and Belgium.

Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY): Today, as I stand for the 10th time in
recognition of the Armenian genocide, I do so with one major
distinction from years past. This year is different because the
House Foreign Affairs Committee has formally recognized the
Armenian genocide. Last October, under the leadership of the late
Chairman Tom Lantos, the Committee passed House Resolution 106. As
a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I was proud to have been
a part of this vote. And, as a strong supporter of the Armenian
community, I will be proud when the full House of Representatives
considers H.Res.106.

Rep. Lincoln Diaz Balart (R-FL): The Armenian genocide resolution
is offensive to some simply because it characterizes that massacre
as “genocide .” We do not use that term loosely, but violence on
such a tremendous scale has earned that terrible title. These
deaths were not caused by the inevitable hostility of war, but by
systematic murder aimed at eliminating a people. We gain nothing by
pretending it was anything less.

Rep. John Dingell (D-MI): It is important to both remember this
event, and to acknowledge it as genocide . Not only does it allow
us to pay proper respect to those who lost their lives in Armenia
at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, but it also helps us to
comprehend the malevolent and inhumane events that take place in
our global community today. Ethnic conflict and sectarian fighting
remain an urgent issue for both the U.S. and the international
community to address. The historical lessons and the exchange of
ideas that flow from an honest discussion about the genocide that
took place in Armenia can help us take steps to prevent further
atrocities from occurring in our time.

Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ): So, I urge my colleagues in the majority
to bring House Resolution 106, which commemorates these atrocities
that occurred only a few generations ago, to the House Floor for a
vote. Now is the time for America to officially ensure that U.S.
foreign policy reflects sensitivity concerning human rights issues.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY): I rise to mark the anniversary of the
Armenian genocide which began on this date ninety-three years ago.
From 1915-1923 the Ottoman Empire carried out the deportation of
approximately 2 million Armenian men, women, and children from
their homeland of which 1.5 million were killed. And to this day,
neither the Ottoman nor Turkish governments have been held to
account for their involvement.

Rep. James Langevin (D-RI): I am also very proud that my fellow
Rhode Islanders have been actively involved in calling attention to
this issue, and I urge them to continue to make their voices heard.
As an ardent supporter of Rhode Island’s Armenian -American
community throughout my public service career, I join my colleagues
today in honoring the victims of the genocide by paying tribute to
their memory, showing compassion for those who have suffered from
such prejudice, and never forgetting the pain that they have

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA): While today is the day in which we
solemnly remember the victims of the Armenian genocide , I believe
it is also a day in which we can celebrate the extraordinary
vitality and strength of the Armenian people, who have fought
successfully to preserve their culture and identity for over a
thousand years. The Armenian people withstood the horrors of
genocide , two world wars, and several decades of Soviet dominance
in order to establish modern Armenia. Armenia has defiantly rebuilt
itself as a nation and a society–a triumph of human spirit in the
face of overwhelming adversity.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY): The United States must join the
parliaments of Canada, France, and Switzerland in passing a
resolution affirming that the Armenian people were indeed subjected
to genocide. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs took an
important step last year in passing H. Res. 106, and I am hopeful
that this resolution will make it to the Floor. An acknowledgment
of the genocide is not our only objective. I remain committed to
ensuring that the U.S. Government continues to provide direct
financial assistance to Armenia.

Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA): There is no more important way to commit
ourselves to preventing the genocides of the future than to
commemorate and never forget the genocides of the past. As such, I
would like to note my continuing support for House finally passage
of H. Res. 106, the Affirmation of the United States Record on the
Armenian Genocide Resolution. In my view, it is long past time for
the United States to officially recognize the massacre of one and a
half million Armenians in early in the 20th century for what it
undeniably was: a genocide.

Rep. James McGovern (D-MA): I believe adopting the Armenian
Genocide Resolution is the right thing to do: As a matter of
morality–and in the name of humanity–the United States should
recognize and condemn all genocides. In the name of historic truth-
-and in honor of the historic role so many American diplomatic
personnel and humanitarian and relief workers played in saving
lives and condemning the genocide as it was taking place–the U.S.
especially should recognize the Armenian Genocide.

Rep. Michael McNulty (D-NY): From 1915 to 1923, the world witnessed
the first genocide of the 20th Century. This was clearly one of the
world’s greatest tragedies–the deliberate and systematic Ottoman
annihilation of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children.
Furthermore, another 500,000 refugees fled and escaped to various
points around the world–effectively eliminating the Armenian
population of the Ottoman Empire. From these ashes arose hope and
promise in 1991–and I was blessed to see it.

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA): The U.S. has long been a global leader in
promoting human rights around the world. On the issue of the
Armenian genocide , however, we lag behind. The French, Swiss,
Swedish, Germans, and even the Russian governments recognize the
Armenian genocide properly. As a global leader in human rights, it
is imperative for the U.S. to stand on principle and recognize the
annihilation of the Armenians. However, it is no less important
today to recognize the Armenian genocide for what it is. The
deafening silence that came in its wake set the stage for a century
that saw genocides occur in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA): Out of this wretched episode of history,
we have made a determined effort to move beyond hatred, to
recognize mistakes, and to prevent similar events from occurring in
the future. It is our obligation to learn from lapses in moral
judgment and forge safeguards for all oppressed, vulnerable, and
subjugated peoples. I would like to express my sympathy to the
survivors and descendents of the Armenian Genocide. I hope we can
all take time to reflect on this solemn day of remembrance.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA): We are told by some to forget the
Armenian Genocide , to get over it. But to forget any incident like
this is tantamount to allowing it to happen again. . . The facts
before us are not in dispute. The reason we still debate this is
not to determine if a genocide took place but rather, to determine
if we have the political backbone to stand up for the truth.

Rep. Timothy Walberg (R-MI): The systematic, state-sponsored
extermination of these good, decent people demonstrates the need
for protection of individual liberties and from injustice. Years
later, Adolf Hitler referenced the Armenian genocide , “the
physical destruction of the enemy,” as an example of the rest of
the world forgetting or ignoring. My hope is that we can recognize
these stains from the past and learn an important lesson from

Rep. Timothy Walz (D-MN): It is important to commemorate those who
lost their lives. And it is important to recognize the Armenian
genocide for what it was. At the time, the United States government
and its citizens acted with generosity and diplomatic support in
response to the mass killing. Today’s observance is a continuation
of that response. And only by recognizing and studying past cases
of genocide will we have a chance of preventing them in the future.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA): I am pleased to be a cosponsor of H. Res.
106, a resolution affirming the United States record on the
Armenian Genocide, which calls for our foreign policy to reflect
the U.S. record relating to this painful chapter of history. As we
mourn the victims of the Armenian genocide and pay tribute to the
survivors, let us look forward to the opportunity for the House to
consider H. Res. 106 and stand up to those who seek to deny the
genocide that took place.

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA): May we all take a moment to remember the
victims of the Armenian Genocide, one of the most horrible
tragedies of the 20th century. We remember, not so that we may
dwell on the events of the past, but so that we may renew our
personal commitments to never stand idly by and let such a tragedy
happen again.


Kanayan Tamar:
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