Program Of Newly-Formed Government Presented To National Assembly


Noyan Tapan
April 29, 2008

YEREVAN, APRIL 29, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian prime minister Tigran
Sargsian presented the program of the newly-formed government at the
RA National Assembly’s second sitting on April 29. In his words,
the program is of continuous character as it is based on the RA
National Security Strategy, the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
and the programs of the previous government. In developing the new
program, provisions of the programs of 4 coalition-forming parties,
the pre-election program of the RA president and the agreement of
the political coalition were also taken into account.

According to the program, the main priorities of the government
activities are ensuring sustainable development through national
security and an active economic policy; formation of an efficient
system of control of state, local governance and of the private sector;
establishment of corporate management culture; as well as development
of education and science.

By implementing this program, the government anticipates the following
results in 2008-2012: real GDP growth of 8-10% a year, at least 10%
growth in the annual amount of investments, a considerale reduction
in territorial econimic disproportions, 10% growth of nonagricultural
employment, a growth in state revenue collection in the amount of
0.3-0.4% of annual GDP, poverty reduction by finally achieving an
overall poverty of below 11.2% and an extreme poverty of below 1.6%
(in 1999, these indices made 56.1% and 21%, in 2006 – 26.5% and 4.1%
respectively). The government also expects an annual increase in
pensions – in proportion to 100% of the minimum life support budget
in 2012, introduction of a multi-stage pension system, a growth
in financing of the social protection system – up to 6.2% of GDP,
a growth in health care financing – up to 2.2% of GDP, and a growth
in education financing – at least 3.5% of GDP.