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BAKU: Musabekov: "Armenians Are Hinted That They Should Moderate The


Today.Az, Azerbaijan
April 30 2008

Day.Az interview with famous political scientist Rasim Musabeyov.

-How would you comment on the information that the All-Armenian
pilgrimage to Nagorno Karabakh "Forward Armenia, forward to God"
starts on May 1 from Saint Echmiadzin?

-I think this event does not deserve any political analysis. Tens of
such events are held every year and they do not cause any significant
reaction. That is they have local, internal-Armenian context. The
present one is held by initiative of the church leadership, which
thus attempts to overcome the deep split in the Armenian society
following the disgraceful elections.

Karabakh clan has rudely falsified them and set their successor
Serzh Sarkissyan to presidency. The protest of the supporters of
ex-president Levon Sarkissyan and greater part of the population was
brutally supressed. I do not think that such an action will have to
improve the state. I would remind that the anniversary of the so called
"genocide" had been marked recently and they did not manage to create
illusion of Armenian unity on this day. The powers and opposition
came to the memorial in different rows, while the latter could not
help anti-governmental scansions.

-As we know, the 20th anniversary of Artsakh liberation is to be
marked in the Vilsher Ebell theater of Los Angeles on May 2. Is it
proposed that the Karabakh clan, which usurped powers in Armenia,
will try to legitimate itself by speculating with the Karabakh issue
and trying to draw attention of the Armenian diaspora in the United
States, which was actively supporting Levon Ter-Petrosyan during the
presidential elections in Armenia?

-The Karabakh clan and Serzh Sarkissyan personally strive to use
foreign diaspora for neutralization of the negative image of Armenia
and its own government following falsification of elections and
violence against opposition. Yet Armenia’s foreign diaspora has been
deeply split. The old Diaspora, which lives in comfort and security
in the West, is ready to support the extremist "Karabakh clan" to
revenge to Turks, even via occupation of Azerbaijani lands.

But the part of diaspora, which left Armenia not long ago and
maintains closer ties with it, having idea of the situation, which
the Kocharyan-Sarkissyan tandem has led the country to, arranges
numerous protest actions. Its representatives also urge to impose
sanctions on Yerevan if the authorities do not release the prisoners
and punish those responsible for the bloodshed, committed against
opposition. Thus, diaspora would hardly help Sarkissyan to consolidate
the regime and the society.

-And what is the reason of Armenians’ decision to speculate actively
on Karabakh in early may, committing real provocation?

-And what is left to them? Armenian society has split and Azerbaijan
is gradually developing its economic and geopolitical potential,
strengthening the diplomatic and information pressure. The proof is
the recent resolution of the UN General Assembly on the situation
in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan. Soon this superiority will be
strengthened by the undoubted military supremacy of Azerbaijan.

Soon Armenian powers will have to think not on the consolidation
of results of the Phyrric victory in the war of 1992-1993, when
Armenians, making use of the temporary weakness of the state powers
in Azerbaijan, occupied 7 of our regions, but about ways out of the
situation with not completely empty hands. The Karabakh clan intends
to consolidate its regime, by straining the situation and on the
other hand provoke renewal of military actions before the military
superiority of Azerbaijan becomes too evident.

-How should the world community react to such actions of Armenians,
considering the fact that none of the world countries have recognized
independence of Nagorno Karabakh and influential international
organization Human Rights Watch called the Khojali genocide of 1992
the most terrible tragedy among those committed by Armenians during
the war?

-Armenians has many supporters including among superstates. Yet, they,
as well as international structures, realize that if they failed to
make Azerbaijan surrender Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia in the 1990s,
when we were much weaker, than now, it would be unreal to attain this
goal in the current situation.

Armenians are given hints that they should moderate their appetites
and become for compliant in the talks held within the Minsk Group. The
recently adopted resolution of the UN General Assembly should be
perceived in this sense. Certainly, the matter is not the sanctions,
or possible military reprisals, but I consider that pressure on
Yerevan by the world society will grow.

-And the last question: which steps should official Baku undertake
in current conditions?

-In fact. the program of actions results from the opportunities,
Azerbaijan has, owing to favorable oil, financial and geopolitical
conjuncture. It is only necessary to use these objective advantages
rationally, transform them into a sound basis for country’s
modernization, strengthening of its military potential, strategic
partnership with the West.

It is also important to avoid actions, which may affect Azerbaijan
negatively, in the sense of observance of human rights and democratic
liberties. Undoubtedly, it is necessary not only to continue but
also to grow the economic, diplomatic and information pressure on
Armenians and prove Azerbaijan’s right in the leading capitals of
the world and international structures and compliance of its position
with the norms of law and justice.

Nanijanian Alex:
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