Categories: News

"Working Group Will Hardly Solve The Problem"


[04:12 pm] 30 April, 2008

On April 17 the Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) passed a
resolution on Armenia according to which Armenia’s leaderships are to
release those detained on political motivations, conduct an independent
investigation of the March 1 unrest, start a dialogue with the
opposition and review the amendments to the Law on conducting meetings,
assemblies, demonstrations and rallies. Under Serzh Sarkissian’s decree
a working group has been set up to investigate the March 1 events.

At today’s news conference Leader of the "Zharangutiun" (Heritage)
Party Raffi Hovannissian Raffi Hovannissian wished the commission
success hoping they will realize the seriousness of their mission.

In reply to reporters’ question whether the commission will help the
country return to the path for democracy, Raffi Hovannissian said,

"I think they are not supposed to solve problems but to present
to the head of state a package of proposals which stem from the
PACE resolution. I cannot express an opinion beforehand. I said
there is some controversy because the resolution also targets at
participants. Therefore, I do not think that the solution will be
reached through this working group.

With regard to RoA Ombudsman Armen Harutiunian’s ad hoc report
on the March 1 events, Raffi Hovannissian says the report is very
important for Armenia from the analytical and informational point
of view. Besides, the report meets international standards. The
"Zharangutiun" leader thinks the Ombudsman should be involved in the
independent experts’ panel on the March 1 unrest.

Zakarian Garnik:
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