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The Eagles Inspired By The Revolution


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on May 03, 2008

The activists of the rallies came to partake in the `Second
Pan-Armenian Congress’ of Armenian Pan National Movement taking place
in the government session hall, yesterday.

The participants of the meetings were in high spirits, and ready to
continue their struggle. The speeches of the neo-Bolsheviks were time
and again broken by the chanting: `Levon, Levon’, `Now, Now’,
`Struggle, Struggle to the End’ `Free, Independent Armenia’.

And again: `Levon, Levon’, `Now, now’, `Struggle, Struggle to the End’,
`Nikol, Nikol’, `Freedom’, and so on, and so forth.

The `solemn event’ opened with the speech delivered by the Leader of
the People’s Party of Armenia Stepan Demirchyan, who particularly said
that the opposition is innocent and doesn’t shoulder any responsibility
for March 1 events, because the latter can never shoulder any
responsibility for anything, that the bloodthirsty regime is guilty for
everything that happened; those who shed the blood of the innocent

After which `Hnchakyan Lady’ Lyudmila Sargsyan delivered her speech,
time after time spicing her words with `we are going to win’.

Newly emerged radical Norayr Norikyan was the next speaker. He said,
new elements have appeared in the arsenal of the `movement’ after March
1. Such as: the pro-Azerbaijani resolution adopted by the UN, regarding
which `Day.Az’ once reported with the same enthusiasm, `it is another
ace for Armenian patriot Levon Ter-Petrosyan’. The second ace of
Levon’s Armenian and Azerbaijani fans is PACE resolution 1609, by which
the Council of Europe intimidates: `to deprive Armenian delegation of
the right to vote’. So, the only thing left to do is to manifest
political will and `cross the Rubicon, not to fear anything, and we
will win,’ he challenged his friends.

The `chief preacher’ of `Shoghakat’ TV station Tigran Paskevichyan
spoke as: `one instead of 100′, later he announced on behalf of the
`people’: `People don’t have opponents. Opponent means alternative
power, alternative mentality, alternative morality. Whereas our people
deal with cruel powers, that can open fire on the peaceful
demonstrators (armed with iron sticks ` L.P.)

Head of the Marxist Party, appealed to the select of the nation, having
obtained 21% of the votes as: `The father of the third Republic.
Several years back, when I was the guest of the news program in `Shant’
TV station, N. Mnacakanyan asked my opinion about Artashes Geghamyan’s,
Vazgen Manukyan’s and democrat Aram’s intention to seize the power. I
said that it was ridiculous.’

The hall whistled enthusiastically. To which the latter answered with
not less enthusiastic appeals to: `seize the parliament, as they seized
Bastille, France.’

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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