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The Formula of Victory

G. KH.

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on May 03, 2008

In our reality, May has always been a month of victories: Avarayr,
Sardarapat, Shoushi ¦

This seems to be the repeated regularity of our history, which
coincides with the awakening of spirit and courage – a regular process
characteristic of spring.

All this undoubtedly has a certain sense and logic: we have always held
victories due to the awakening of such features and were defeated when
they came to be replaced with other features, also characteristic of
our nature.

Probably, the most important among them is that the elements of our
organism have a peculiarity of pushing away one another. This
peculiarity is characteristic of all the ancient nations and is also
viewed as a sign of ageing.

The same phenomenon was observed, for instance, during victories held
in May 1918 as well as the defeat suffered in autumn 1920. And the
logic of such developments can be accounted for by nothing more than
the existence of some chronic disease.

In May 1918, we were hungry, tired and poorly armed, and our enemy was
incomparably stronger, but wee won. In autumn 1920, our army was
properly armed and replete due to the help of Entente, while the enemy
was hungry and weak, but we were defeated.

And today we are again in need of understanding and learning these
harsh lessons. Perhaps, we are again pursuing the same path, not
realizing the impending danger, because what happened after the
victories of May 1992 did not contribute to the strengthening of our

In the present-day world, our traditional ideas about the physically
armed victories become deprived of sense if they do not fit the general
context of the new challenges. Heretofore, at least during the past 16
years following May 1992, these challenges seemed to us to be on the
diplomatic or economic fronts.

But the reality is that the latter derive from the most important front
existing at present, i.e. the front of intellect

Morality plus intellect ` here are the main factors that may impart an
on-going nature to the victories we have held in Sardarapat and
Shoushi, because the modern world recognizes no weapon which might be
more powerful than intellect.

Hakobian Adrine:
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