Socio-Demographical Situation in NKR


Azat Artsakh Daily
Published on May 06, 2008
NKR Republic

According to notification of NKR National Statistical Service, density
of population on 1square km in NKR has compiled 11.8 person. The factor
of natural additional increase has compiled 6.6 per cent, besides, in
town settlements ` 9,5 per cent, in country settlements ` 3,6 per cent.
Life duration has been estimated in the republic 71.8 years, general
factor of marriage ` 3.7 per cent, general factor of divorce ` 0.9 per
cent. According to corresponding administrative statistical
accounts, the number of children getting benefits by condition of
January 1st, 2008 has compiled 15005 children, average monthly size of
the benefit ` 4.6 thousand drams, in comparison with the same period of
the previous year the number of children has increased by 235, the size
of the benefit ` by 14.3 per cent.By condition of January 1st, 2008,
the number of pensioners is 34585 people, the number of invalids `
10207 people.In 2007-2008 educational year in 4 middle professional
educational institutions 1310,8 students have educated, in high
educational institutions ` 7273 students.14 concert organizations have
operated in the republic (half in the capital), 10 museums (30 % – in
the capital), 9 libraries (33,3 % – in the capital) and 12 sports
schools (41,7 % – in the capital). 3470 or 34.7 per cent of 10000
monuments, 400 or 26.7 per cent of 1500 churches and chapels taken into
account in NKR territory were investigated by condition of January 1st