FM appreciates the cooperation with CoE on issues of human rights

RA Foreign Minister appreciates the cooperation with CoE on issues of
human rights
08.05.2008 15:51

On May 7 RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had meetings with the EU
Commissioner for Human Rights Tomas Hammarberg and the President of the
European Court of Human Rights Jean-Paul Costa.

During the meeting with Tomas Hammarberg Edward Nalbandian expressed
appreciation for the level of cooperation with the Council of Europe on
issues of human rights. He noted that the Armenian Government takes
note of the suggestions the EU Commissioner made during his recent
visit to Armenia.

The Minister informed that a working group has been formed upon the
instruction of RA President to coordinate the implementation of the
suggestions included in PACE Resolution #1609. The group has been
instructed to present suggestions on the future steps within a short
period of time.

During the meeting with the President of the European Court of Human
Rights Rights Jean-Paul Costa Minister Nalbandian reconfirmed that
Armenia is ready to continue deepening the cooperation with the
European Court of Human Rights.