Categories: News

State Commission considering ‘Web’ and ‘Arminco’ statements

RA State Commission for Protection of Economic Competition starts
considering ‘Web’ and ‘Arminco’ internet providers’ statements

2008-05-07 22:03:00

ArmInfo. The Armenian State Commission for the Protection of Economic
Competition started considering "Web" and "Arminco" internet providers’

To recall, on April 30 the "Web" and "Arminco" companies applied to the
Commission stating that the terms of provision of internet
communication services offered by Beeline company contain phenomena of
artificial restraint of competition. According to the statements,
Beeline provides internet communication in the Hi-Line Unlimited format
"using the phone lines’ infrastructure belonging to it the monopoly
order, while other companies engaged in provision of internet
communication are deprived of the opportunity to use this
infrastructure". The "Web" company thinks that "these steps of Beeline
are evidently aimed at acquisition of monopoly in the sphere of
internet communication provision as well". The two providers think that
Beeline deny them the opportunity to provide channels of distinguished
communication, i.e. potentially competitive type of services on
internet communication. The applicants expressed a request to consider
the issue and take relevant measures, as well as to discuss the issue
of Beeline’s status as the dominating company in the sphere of
provision of relevant services.

Kafian Jirair:
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