Tribute to the memory of the killed soldiers

Tribute to the memory of the killed soldiers
09.05.2008 14:20

On the occasion of the Day of Victory and Peace the Chairman of the
National Assembly Tigran Torosyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan,
representatives of the legislative and executive bodies, the senior
staff of the Armed Forces, clergymen, representatives of the diplomatic
corps, politicians visited Yerablur Pantheon today to pay homage to the
memory of those killed in the Artsakhi war. `On one hand today’s
meaning is homage to the memory of the killed, on the other hand, it is
pride for our victories and hope that we can unite at decisive times to
achieve victory,’ RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said.

The prime Minister noted that steps are being taken to raise the
honorary payments to the participants of the World War II. Yesterday
the Government decided to double these starting from July 1st. `The
second step to be taken is the elaboration of a big social package of
program, which will be presented to the public during budget
discussions in 2009. It refers to the additional measures the state can
take to support the socially vulnerable classes, the veterans of war,
and orphans,’ the head of the executive body noted.

Teh leaders of teh country and senior Officers of the Armed Forces laid
wreaths at the Memorial to the Unknown Soldier as tribute to those
killed in the Great Patriotic War.

In Nagorno Karabakh RA President Serzh Sargsyan will participate in the
arrangements dedicated to the 16 anniversary of formation of the NKR
Defense Army and the liberation of Shoushi, as well as the Victory Day.