According To French Armenian Lawyer, Only Testimony Of Policemen Can


Noyan Tapan

Ma y 13, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 13, NOYAN TAPAN. A group from the Union of Armenian
Advocates and Lawyers of France consisting of 6 people was in
Armenia on a 5-day visit. It had come especially for the purpose of
assisting their Armenian colleagues in connection with the elections
and in particular, the March 1 events. Gerard Cholakian, a member of
Union’s Administrative Board, told Noyan Tapan correspondent that they
have an impression that tension is felt in the work of lawyers and
justice structures: "At the moment it seems to us that the lawyers
have been refused to be informed about the details of the case, the
investigation," the French Armenian lawyer said. It was also mentioned
that they are "mainly concerned with the difficulties of lawyers they
have when defending the defendants during these cases." The group
has met with local lawyers, some imprisoned people, as well as with
RA Justice Minister Gevorg Danielian. "We feel that rather strong
pressures are exerted, some judicial and examination procedures have
not been respected.

We would be able to give a more detailed and concrete answer if we
were able to get acquainted with the case more in detail and were
able to take part in legal proceedings."

On the last day of the visit the French Armenian lawyer was present
at the judicial enquiry on the case against former freedom-fighter
Khachik Gasparian accused of using not dangerous violence to a power

"It is impossible to imprison a man unless there is concrete evidence
in his cases," Cholakian said emphasizing that in all countries only
testimony of policemen is not considered proof.

It is envisaged that the organization will make a report on the
visit’s results by late May. Cholakian did not exclude that French
lawyers will return with representatives of NGOs to be present at
tne judicial enquiries.