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Armenian DM Receives Iranian Ambassador


May 14, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS: Armenian Defense Minister Seiran Ohanian
received today Iranian ambassador to Armenia Seyed Ali Saghayan.

Spokesman for the Armenian Defense Ministry Seyran Shahsuvarian told
Armenpress that during the meeting the ambassador congratulated the
minister on his appointment and conveyed the congratulation message
of the Iranian Minister of Defense and Support to Armed Forces,
General-Major Mostafa Mohhamad Najari.

During the meeting the sides pointed out that Armenian-Iranian
relations are consolidated with serious political and economic
achievements on the basis of which are brotherly relations between
the two peoples.

Afterwards the two sides referred to the bilateral military relations
and pointed out the future activities.

They also exchanged thoughts over a number of issues on regional
security and stability. Speaking about the Karabakh conflict
regulation, the interlocutors underscored its peaceful settlement.

On the second half of the day the defense minister left for Aparan
where accompanied with Aragatsotn governor Gabriel Gyozalian and
representatives of local governmental bodies visited the "Revival"
memorial complex to the victims of the 1915 Armenian genocide,
heroes of 1918 Aparan battle and got acquainted with the program of
celebrations of May 28.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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