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TEHRAN: Armenia Backs Iran’s Nuclear Right


Islamic Republic News Agency
May 15 2008

Armenia’s Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanian on Wednesday said that
Iran has the right to use nuclear energy for peaceful aims.

In a meeting with the Iranian Ambassador to Yerevan Ali Saqaeian,
Ohanian added that Iran’s nuclear activities were peaceful.

He stated that all countries including Iran have the right to use
nuclear technology to make progress and promote their goals in line
with regulations of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Saqaeian submitted the message of Iran’s Defense Minister Mostafa
Mohammad Najjar for his Armenian counterpart who has congratulated
his appointment.

The envoy also invited Armenian minister to pay a visit to Iran which
was welcomed by Ohanian.

The two sides praised the current level of ties between the two
neighboring countries and stressed the importance of boosting bilateral

They called for implementation of agreements already signed between
the two capitals.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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