Armenian President And Chairman Of Cassation Court Discuss Measures


Noyan Tapan

Ma y 21, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The complex program of measures aimed
at strengthening the independence of courts was discussed by the
RA president Serge Sargsian and the chairman of the Cassation Court
Hovhannes Manukian.

According to a press release of the RA president’s press service, it
was pointed out that the main purpose of the program is to raise the
public trust in courts, which can be achieved by consistent reduction
of corruption instances in courts and improving the efficiency of
justice. The control of civil society structures over courts will play
a great role in the creation of impartial and unbribable courts. The
state also has much to do in order to ensure real independence of
the judicial system.

Among envisaged measures, priority was given to reviewing the salaries
of judges and the formation of a system of other guarantees of their

Material dependence of judges causes considerable part of the existing
problems. It is the price that the state should not be reluctant to
pay in order to have fair courts.

In parallel with these steps, the interlocutors considered it necessary
to establish efficient mechanisms of legal control of the activity of
judges, which will allow to reveal and punish judges to have exceeded
the limits of legal and ethical norms. They underlined the importance
of establishing efficient control over the use of conduct rules for
judges and determining definite criteria of disciplinary liability.

They attached importance to envisaging greater responsibility for
interfering in court activity, including responsibility with respect
to state officials of various levels.

An agreement was reached to develop proposals on a number of
legislative and organizational measures based on the program and to
submit these proposals for discussion.

Noting that the struggle against vicious phenomena will be a
continuous one, there will difficulties, complaints, sometimes –
also a clash of interests, Serge Sargsian at the same time stressed
that the authorities will display inflexible political will in the
implementation of the indicated program. He attached special importance
to informing the public about the steps taken, adding that the public’s
support is a great guarantee of achieving success in any issue.