National Assembly Completes Discussion Of 2007 State Budget’s Execut


Noyan Tapan

Ma y 21, 2008

YEREVAN, MAY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA National Assembly on May 21
completed the discussion of the annual report on execution of the
2007 state budget.

By the report, the actual revenues made 588 bln drams, the execution –
104.6% as compared with 2006, the growth made 33.2%. The expenditures
made 634.7 bln drams, the execution – 100.3%, the growth as compared
with 2006 – 31.9%. The deficit amounted to 46.7 bln drams, the
execution – 66.2%, the growth as compared with 2006 made 17.6%.

In his concluding speech the prime minister Tigran Sargsian thanked
the NA deputies for thier active discussions and assured them that
no comment and proposal has escaped the government’s attention. He
said that during discussions of the draft budget of next year, the
government will try to give detailed and exhaustive answers to all
the issues of interest to deputies.

The vote on the 2007 state budget’s execution will be held on May 22.

"Heritage" is the only faction that intends to vote against the

The faction’s representative Armen Martirosian explained their
position by the fact that the 2007 state budget failed to solve the
social problems of ordinary citizens and outline the steps for the
further economic development of Armenia.