Categories: News

Political Shows Continue

Vrezh Aharonyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on May 21, 2008

Judging by all, the radical opposition has found itself in such
a situation that it is ready to turn everything into a political
show just in order to make L. Ter-Petrosyan’s image unforgettable
and be able to submit something new to the officials of the Council
of Europe. And the only objective they have is the following: to
politicize everything.

In such conditions, the deterioration of the health conditions of
Aram Karapetyan, leader of "New Times" party, and the subsequent
protest actions were a proper occasion for speculations. And it is
still questionable whether those who made speculations are really
concerned about A. Krapetyan’s health and whether they really want
the leader of "New Times" to recover.

There’s such an impression that the pro-Levon activists are not, as
a matter of fact, concerned about A, Karapetyan’s health. What they
need is to raise a new wave of dissatisfaction around this particular
candidate so as they will be able to announce before the PACE summer
session that "political detainees" in Armenia are not only subjected
to torture but also reduced to sharply deteriorated health conditions.

But what has really happened?

A. Karapetyan who used to represent himself as an activist ready for
all kinds of hardships (and even spending all his life in prison
for the sake of ideas) was unable to endure this situation for a
couple of months and found himself in a state of psychological and
nervous depression. This really resulted in certain health problems
such as labile blood pressure and some complications related to the
cardiovascular system.

That A. Karapetyan had to be under the supervision of doctors,
and everything possible had to be done for improving his health
condition nobody had any doubt about it. However, there are a number
of noteworthy circumstances in this story.

To begin with, A. Karapetyan and his lawyers anticipated that the law
enforces examining the case would be forced to change the precautionary
measure and release him under the influence of certain foreign circles.

However, the calculations did not come true. Let’s note that the first
signs of the deterioration of the health conditions of the leader of
"New Times" were observed 10 days ago; he was immediately provided
with medical assistance and relevant doctors were invited.

However, A. Karapetyan’s "almighty" mother-in-law and father-in-law
who reside in Moscow decided not to satisfy themselves with the
conclusion of the doctors and invited cardiologist Armen Gasparyan,
their relative, for consultations. The latter is an Associate Professor
in the Yerevan State Medical University (Chair of Ã’herapeutics)
and at he same time, conducts consultations in "Erebuni" Medical
Center. In addition, let’s note that A. Gasparyan is the cousin of
A. Karapetyan’s mother-in-law and is in a close relationship with
A. Karapetyan’s family.

Three days later, A. Gasparyan and two other invited doctors examined
A. Karapetyan in the NSS isolation cell and drew a relevant conclusion.

Furthermore, the other two doctors found that A. Karapetyan could
receive his treatment in a hospital for detainees, while A. Gasparyan
insisted that it was necessary to conduct the treatment in "Erebuni"
Medical Center.

With the purpose of avoiding speculations, the law enforcement
agencies allowed to move A. Karapetyan to "Erebuni" Medical Center
where, according to available information, he now feels quite
satisfactory. His health condition has improved. This is the reality.

As regards the protest actions, there are interesting circumstances at
this point too. For instance, they announced that they had been on a
hunger strike for two days continuously and, as a sign of protest, were
sitting in front of the building of the Prosecutor’s Office. However,
on the night of May 16, around 2 a.m., Hrachya Sargsyan, one of the
strikers, organized a small banquet with 7 other people in the park
situated the opposite side of the Prosecutor’s Office; they also
drank two bottles of vodka.

As mentioned by the eyewitnesses, the food-sack was brought by the
driver of a black "Mercedes Brabus" (registration No. 05UU135) who had
stopped the vehicle at a long distance from the strikers. Comments,
as they say, are needless.

So, the political shows continue.

–Boundary_(ID_B0c4MYyBopFgm/krBGLVtg)- –

Jidarian Alex:
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