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European Parliament Fails To Draw Up Objective Report On Turkey


Financial Mirror
May 23 2008

The European Parliament gathered in plenary session in Strasbourg
voted Thursday the report prepared by Mrs Oomen-Ruijten (Conservative,
Netherlands) on Turkey’s 2007 progress report and its 28 tabled
amendments. From a general point of view, the resolution focuses
its criticism on Turkey’s delays to fulfill its reforms commitments,
especially those regarding the State of Law, democracy, legislative
reforms and the minorities’ rights. The resolution claims that
"additional delays" in the implementation of these reforms "will
seriously affect the rhythm of the negotiations".

Regarding the various aspects of Turkey’s denial policy, the MEPs
failed to produce an objective report which gives a fair decision on
European Parliament’s positions already established on the Armenian
genocide, and this in spite of the strong positions expressed by a
great number of MEPs during the debates.

They have also adopted an amendment tabled by the MEPs supporting
Turkey’s interests (Cem Ozdemir, Joost Lagendijk – Greens) which aims
at minimizing the blockade on Armenia exerted by Turkey for 15 years.

"The Oomen-Ruijten report failed to show the reality of Turkey;
it proved once again that regarding the Armenian genocide the
European position is well established on denial, as is the candidate
country’s. It waters down even the Parliament’s position regarding
the blockade on Armenia by being in flagrant contradiction with the
Accession criteria and the requirements of the Neighbourhood policy:
the Oomen-Ruijten report cannot contribute to a real dialogue between
the Union and Turkey", declared Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of
the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy.

Referring to Article 301, in spite of the unanimous requirements
for abolition made by the Turkish and European civil societies,
the report is satisfied with indicating "that is of the view that
the abrogation of the 301 article would be the best solution", and
considering the cosmetic reform of this article as "a first step".

The European Armenian Federation reminds that the slight reform of
the 301 article deceived the European public opinion, and offended
the Turkish defenders of Human Rights, the first victims of this
iniquitous law which remains unchanged after so many years of
governmental promises.

"The compromising of the Oomen-Ruijten report with a law that penalizes
a right so fundamental that is the freedom of expression for Europe
will not help the Turkish democratic forces to upgrade their society",
commented Hilda Tchoboian.

"What the European societies demand from the European Parliament, is
to express in its reports more transparent positions, the truth on the
situation of Human Rights and democracy in Turkey: it is regrettable
that the report diffuses a screen of smoke in order to hide from the
public opinion the seriousness of Turkey’s breaches in these fields,
yet necessary for the examination of the integration of this country
in the European Union", concluded Hilda Tchoboian.

Nadirian Emma:
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