Azerbaijani Option of The Settlement of Karabakh Conflict


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on May 24, 2008

The Conference `Caucasus-2007′ hold in `Tigran Metz’ hall of
`Armenia-Marriott’ hotel, initiated by Caucasian Institute of Mass
Media finished its work yesterday and summed up the results of the

Editor-in-chief of Azerbaijani `3rd Opinion’ Informational-Analytical
Agency Rauf Rajabov who was participating in the conference, met with
the journalists at the end of the discussions.

`In my view the settlement of the conflict is not in shuttle diplomacy,
political compromises or military confrontation, but rather in free
economic rivalry, mutually beneficial cooperation and the field of
general interests on integration plane. Economy is the axle, which
unites the conflicting parties.

Market economy means free movement of the capital and the people,
whereas political compromise is trade. Which means, instead of mutual
concessions the two sides must compete to substantiate their arguments,
to see whose scale is heavier and who will suffer less loses in this

Last year we passed a law, according to which 4 free economic zones
must be established in Azerbaijan. Karabakh can have similar status by
the time the issue of its final status is solved. It can be done by a
referendum, but with one condition – the representatives of Azerbaijani
community, those who have once fled their dwelling places, must also
participate in the referendum.

But for that these people must naturally return to Karabakh and live
side by side with Armenian people, in the format of a free economic
zone. I’m sure it will give an opportunity to overcome all the
psychological obstacles that hinders the establishment of friendly
relations between Armenian and Azerbaijani people.’

`Azerbaijani government refuses any type of cooperation with Armenia,
unless Karabakh issue is solved in the framework of Azerbaijan’s
territorial integrity. Do you think Azerbaijan is ready to give the
status of `free economic zone’ to Karabakh?’

`What I mean is firstly the demilitarization of the conflicting zone.
It is not a secret that Armenian military subdivisions (30 thousand in
number) are located in the occupied territories. These subdivisions
must be withdrawn and Azerbaijan should also withdraw its forces, after
which Karabakh formations will remain there – around 20-25 thousand
people. These formations will provide the security of both Armenian and
Azerbaijani inhabitants in that region.

In that case there will be no need to bring the international
peacekeeping forces. Karabakh’s military subdivisions can realize this
mission, without the interference of the forces that have their own
interests in the region. This will reduce to the minimum the influence
of the foreign powers on our region.

Of course the return of the refugees must also be guaranteed. Which
means we can’t speak about Karabakh people ignoring the 50 thousand
Azerbaijani community, who used to live in Karabakh before 1988. If
this happens, Armenian majority, in the person of NKR military
formations will provide the security of Azerbaijani minority.

And both conflicting parties Armenia and Azerbaijan will be the
guarantees of this security. The future developments will lead to
Karabakh’s integration to Azerbaijan and Armenia’s economy will
integrate with Azerbaijan’s.

If we exercise this model, a joint system of internal security will be
created and the internal borders will not exist any more. Georgia will
also participate in this process and we will have South-Caucasian free
economic zone, meanwhile strengthening the foreign borders of the three
countries. But, if one of the parties demands from the other party to
sign under a document that enshrines the results of the war, that is to
say they try to legalize the results of the war, I’m sure it will not
lead to any positive results.’

`Do you think the results of the war must be annulled?’

`See! The Results of the war are the results of one battle. But there
can be the second battle as well, and the results of this battle can be
quite different.’

`Don’t you think the results of the second war can, mildly speaking, be
disappointing for Azerbaijan?’

`This is exactly what I mean. There can be second, third, fourth and
fifth battles. But if we really want to close this page of wars and
reach stability and peace in the region, in my view we must refuse the
idea of wars. Otherwise the defeated side will always try to take
revenge and we will appear in the situation of everlasting wars. That
is why it is better to speak about common interests and mutually
beneficial cooperation.’

`Saying refugees do you mean only Azerbaijanis, deported from Karabakh,
or also the Armenians who fled Baku, Sumgait, Kirovabad, Shahumyan and
Getashen, etc?’

`All the refugees must have the opportunity to return to their dwelling
places. So a program of the solution of social, integration,
accommodation, and other issues must be implemented. Without the
solution of these issues it is senseless to speak about their return.

Of course these issues can’t be solved immediately. In my view we must
try to solve them phase-by-phase, elaborate mechanisms, which will be
backed by Armenia and Azerbaijan. Of course this program shouldn’t be
compulsory, without the violation of the rights of those who presently
live in the deserted homes in Baku, Karabakh, Yerevan or Vanadsor.’