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BEIRUT: Pakradounian worried that Sleiman will suffer Lahoud’s fate

NowLebanon, Lebanon
May 25 2008

Pakradounian is worried that Sleiman will suffer the same fate as Lahoud

May 25, 2008

MP Hagop Pakradounian stressed to Voice of Lebanon radio the
importance of representing the Armenian sect in the new cabinet with
two ministers, one of whom would be named by the opposition, and the
other named by the majority.

Pakradounian pointed out that the Tashnaq will be meeting soon to name
their representative in the cabinet. He said, `I prefer not to be a
minister myself in order not to mix parliamentary duties with the
ministerial ones.’

Pakradounian denied that the opposition had made the decision to
nominate MP Saad Harriri as prime minister, but said, `Personally I
don’t see anything that prevents him from taking that position since
he represents a big parliamentary bloc.’

Regarding electing PM Fouad Siniora, Pakradounian said, `If the man
doesn’t want to be a prime minister again, should we pressure him?’

Pakradounian said he believed that the new ministerial statement will
revolve around building a state and a country, and expressed his
confidence that the wisdom and courage of General Michel Sleiman will
help him be an arbiter among the different parties.

Pakradounian didn’t hide his worries regarding the new president,
saying, `I am afraid that in a year from now we will regret what
happened, similar to what happened with General Emile Lahoud.’

`The past experiences have taught us that whenever we get close to a
solution, a wave of assassinations and explosions take place,’
Pakaradounian said, recalling the assassination of President Rene
Mouawad after the Taif agreement.

-NOW Staff


Tigranian Ani:
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