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Levon Hakob Ter-Petrosyan or Levon Frayim Pliskovsky?


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on May 24, 2008

Armenian National Congress or Jewish Congress?

The information that the Ter-Petrosyan-led movement was funded and
governed from abroad is gradually becoming more precise and argumented.

The fact that Mr. Ter-Petrosyan has ties with Masonic as well as
powerful Jewish political and economic organizations and has constantly
been under their influence did not seem convincing to some people.
However, the analysis of his political activity of the past 6 months
directly confirms the above mentioned.

First, in the estimation of well-informed people, the atmosphere of
masonry (its first precondition being the denial of national values)
and cosmopolitism has become essentially overwhelming in the
ex-President’s family and his surroundings, especially during the
recent years. And this has been achieved due to the efforts of L.
Ter-Petrosyan’s wife.

That Mr. Ter-Petrosyan’s wife is a Jew has been published in the press
many a time. However, we recently managed to find out the real names of
Mrs. Ter-Petrosyan and her family members. Her father’s name is
Pliskovsky Frayim Abramovich, and here mother’s name is Kourtach Brakha
Ibramovna and before marriage, Ms. Lyudmila’s full name was Pliskovsaya
Lyudmila Frayimovna.

Having grown up in the influential and rich community of the Jews.
Lyudmila Ter-Petrosyan has been consistent enough in her efforts of
spreading her influence on L. Ter-Petrosyan, his son and his family

And here is an interesting fact: after resigning from office, L.
Ter-Petorsyan never visited any marz of the country apart from Vayots
Dzor. After he and his wife paid several visits to the cemetery of the
Jews (situated near the village of Yeghegis), they decided to have it
renovated and reconstructed. What’s more, L. Ter-Petrosyan promised the
Jewish community that right after being elected a President in 2008 he
would deal with the reconstruction of the cemetery in person.

By involving Lyudmila Ter-Petrosyan in the leadership of their
infra-structures, the Masonic organizations of the United States, the
Russian Federation, Europe and the Near East managed to maintain
permanent and reliable ties with Levon Ter-Petrosyan and offer him
assistance. When the Jewish flag was waved on the Theatrical Square
during his pre-election meetings, nobody paid a special attention to

However, the developments following the March 1 incidents make us
conduct a more thorough analysis as to why the `liberation movement’
was best elucidated especially by those American and Russian media
which are under the influence of the Jewish lobby. There were a number
of noteworthy facts revealed in the course of the journalistic

Once we already informed you that the principal goal of L.
Ter-Petrosyan’s one-day visit to Moscow (mid-January, 2008) was the
meeting with the Vice Chair of the RF right-wing forces Leonid Gozman,
a Jew by nationality. Mr. Gozman is also the leader of the St.
Petersburg branch as well as one of the entrusted individuals of
Alexander Tchoubays, Head of the Russian Energy Systems. Why do you
think L. Ter-Petorsyan had a strictly confidential meeting and a
tête-à-tête with Leonid Gozman for 6-7 hours?

Let’s also note that L. Gozman and the `Holding’ he leads have
unlimited political and economic resources; their financial-economic
balance and annual circulation make up tens of billions of dollars.
Spending a sum of USD 100-200 million for assisting L. Ter-Petorsyan in
the Armenian elections was not a great difficulty for this particular
structure (which also coordinates the programs of their American and
European partners in the CIS countries).

This is the agreement Leonid Gozman and Levon Ter-Petorsyan concluded
in January 2008, in a confidential meeting held in Mr. Gozman’s private
residence in the vicinities of Moscow. L. Ter-Petorsyan’s electoral
campaign was to start in a couple of days’ time, and the sums arrived
in time. They entered Armenia through different organizations and were
invested in the political process.

The Jewish-Masonic lobby spent USD 65-70 million on L. Ter-Petrosyan’s
campaign, and it’s going to spend twice more for achieving its
principal-goal, i.e. bringing L. Ter-Petorsyan to power.

Those sums enter Armenia through different public organizations,
natural persons and artificially created enterprises and are mainly
transferred to the closed accounts of `Armeconombank’.

The sums are also periodically given to the emissaries who are sent
abroad on mission by Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Then, through different
banks, these people transfer the money to Armenia.

Why did the representatives of `Great East’, a powerful organization
with unlimited financial and political resources, arrive in Armenia in
mid-January? What were they planning and agreeing upon with Hovhannes
Igityan, an activist standing close to L. Ter-Petorsyan?

Why did the influential Masonic organization operating in the countries
of the Near East conduct a series of two-week closed meetings with
Hovhannes Igityan, who thereafter started meeting with L. Ter-Petrosyan
almost every day?

How come that just within a couple of hours on the night of March 2 H.
Igityan rapidly left Armenia with the help of large sums and different
individuals and found himself in France and then left for Strasburg and

How come that Hovhannes Igityan, who was only the Head L.
Ter-Petorsyan’s campaign headquarters in Avan district, has had
meetings with senior officials in Europe and beginning March 10, has
been conducting lobbying among the Parliamentarians of the Council of
Europe, representing Armenia exclusively in dark colors?

He gave misinformation to CoE Secretary General Terry Davis, Head of
PACE Rene van der Linden and different European media representatives
and experts who were preparing for the PACE April 17 hearings devoted
to Armenia.

Furthermore, the Jewish-Masonic lobby is currently using the same
aggressiveness to have the Council of Europe deprive the Armenian
delegation of the right to vote. Under whose auspices did H. Igityan
implement those `activities’? Of course, through his connections with
the Masonic `Great East’ organization. As to the details of the
process, L. Ter-Petrosyan is fully aware of them. H. Igityan kept in
touch with him from Europe on daily basis.

It will be extremely interesting to ask L. Ter-Petrosyan why the
members of the Jewish-American Committee (the second largest Jewish
lobbying organization in the United States and Europe) are arriving in
Armenia on May 27-28? It should be noted that those arriving in Armenia
are not ordinary members of the organization but rather, its leaders,
i.e. Peter Rosenblat, Barry Jabes and John Waters, as well as
American-Armenian translator Ross Vardanyan who will accompany them.

According to available information, the leaders of the Jewish
organization want L. Ter-Petrosyan to report them on his
accomplishments; thereafter, they will specify the ex-President’s
further steps in the following three directions:

1. Armenia’s domestic problems

2. US-Armenian relations

3. Turkish-Armenian relations

If L. Ter-Petrosyan expresses exhaustive and satisfactory attitude
towards those issues, the political and financial assistance will be
undoubtedly continued, and the US-RF segment of the Jewish chain will
open a `second respiratory tract’ for L. Ter-Petorsyan’s political

Nalbandian Eduard:
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