Members Of Congress Renew Commitment On Greek Issues

By Irene Zoupaniotis

Greek News
May 26 2008
New York

24th Annual PSEKA Conference ends in success. AHEPA Honored for its
contributions to the Hellenic American community

Key members of U.S. Congress reaffirmed last week their commitment
to continue their support for Cyprus, the Macedonian issue and the
Ecumenical Patriarchate, and expressed their appreciation for the
work done by the Greek American Community in lobbying for their causes.

According to a statement issues by the Coordinated Effort of Hellenes,
during the 24th Annual Cyprus, Hellenic and Orthodox Issues Conference,
hosted by PSEKA and CEH, some of the commitments secured by the
participants included: A U.S. Helsinki Commission investigation
into the destruction and desecration of Greek Orthodox churches
in the occupied area of Cyprus — committed to by the Commissionʼs
Chairman, Congressman Alcee Hastings; An accelerated effort to end the
military occupation of Cyprus — committed to by individuals who are
top candidates for Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense in an
Obama, Clinton or McCain Administration: Chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, Senator Joe Biden; Chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, Senator Carl Levin; and Chairman of a Senate Armed
Services Subcommittee, Senator Joe Lieberman. Last year Senators Barack
Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain addressed this conference.

Even-handed treatment of Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots and
no American efforts to force a settlement on Greek-Cypriots during
possible coming settlement talks — committed to by the State
Departmentʼs second-highest ranking official, Deputy Secretary of
State John Negroponte (a Hellene) and Assistant Secretary of State
for European Affairs Dan Fried.

Helping Turkey understand the value of ending its military occupation
of Cyprus and of allowing the Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots
to find a settlement on their own – committed to by the Founder and
Co-Chair of the U.S. Congressʼ Turkey Caucus and the Chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committeeʼs Europe Subcommittee, Congressman
Robert Wexler.

A recommitment to Cyprus, the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the
Macedonian issue – pledged by the overwhelming majority of all
the U.S. Senators and Members of Congress who are in charge of
Congressional policies toward Hellenic and Orthodox issues.

MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Following are summaries from the speeches of
members of Congress at the Conference.

Congressman Albio Sires: The NJ Congressman was presented with an
award, with a piece of the barbed wire from the green line in it. In
his speech he stated that barbed wire is more than barbed wire but
what it represents. When he first came to Congress he found himself
being very attracted to Cyprus because he sees a lot of similarities to
Cuba. On his first trip in Congress to Cyprus, he was insulted when he
went to the Green Zone and saw the insensitivity in placing the flag of
Turkey on the hill. "To me insensitive, provocative and unnecessary."

Congressman Donald Manzullo: Discussed the Armenian Bill and how he
was put in a position to choose between Americans. However, the more
he was becoming informed by Greek American constituent Steve Theofanus,
the harder it became for him not to vote on the Bill.

"I canʼt be put in a position to deny history."

However he asks people to be cautious when thinking of bringing up
these kinds of resolutions. Eventually he was being called by high
officials on the executive level as to vote against the bill, and
Mr. Theofanus told him "The Turks are going to do, what the Turks are
going to do." Which ended up being true, with the Turkish incursion
in Northern Iraq. He said he is very thankful to have someone like
Steve Theofanus, and you must have close relations with your members
of Congress.

Congressman Charles Rangel: "I got to understand that I have a
commitment and that you have a friend for life. Iʼll never forget
the commitments of the Greek-Americans in America and in Cyprus."

Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart: Sometimes you get desensitized when
you hear of so many issues, but after going to Cyprus he says how his
experiences there were profound. "Perseverance is not only admirable,
but necessary."

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney: She states they are committed in
working with Cyprus to open up Famagusta as confidence building. He
also spoke about Resolution 620–to end military occupation of the
Republic of Cyprus.

Congressman Donald Payne: Congressman Payne was also presented
with an award. He states to have been working for the return of the
Parthenonʼs marbles and will continue to fight for that issue.

Congressman Howard Berman: "Isnʼt it strange that there are more
Turkish troops in Cyprus now than American troops in Afghanistan? It
is time for the Turkish troops to leave." "Sometimes you have to push
friends and partners to do the right thing."

Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Discussed Cyprus, FYROM, and
Ecumenical Patriarchate. She also brought up the U.S.-Visa Waiver
Program. She has co-sponsored the design and the participation of
Greece in the waiver program. There have been some hurdles raised by
the EU, but hopes for travel from Greece without visa soon.

Congressman Mark Kirk: We have to educate people. The American people,
voters and grassroots are the most important.

Congressman Danny Davis: He is the representative of Greektown in
Chicago, and thus has a large number of Greek constituents. Discusses
his involvement in resolution 620–to end Turkish military occupation
in Cyprus, his work with the resolution involving FYROM and that the
name Macedonia is associated with unification of greater Macedonia
by Stalin and Tito and is linked with policy that has claims on
Greek territory.

Congressman Ed Royce: Discusses FYROM, Ecumenical Patriarchate,
and Cyprus. Reminds us of the role Hellenic ideals had on this country.

Congressman Jim Langevin: One of his top priorities is settlement of
Cyprus. It is absolutely essential foreign policy for us to support
Cyprus so that we are in line with our values.

Congressman Russ Carnahan: American image abroad is the lowest weʼve
ever seen.

Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.: Speaks of the idea that our
participation in democracy has changed our definition of what it
means to be an American. "Not find ourselves fixed in stone or
in time. Fight to expand the definition of what it means to be an
American." "When we make America better, it puts us in a position to
do something about the Patriarchate, to do something about Cyprus,
to do something about Macedonia."

Congressman Steve Rothman: He has written Secretary Rice for assistance
in the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Congressman Alcee Hastings: "Stay strong, stay vigilant, keep the
banner high"

Congressman Frank Pallone: Feels the administration has not been
helpful in unifying Cyprus, but that the opportunity has risen again
and we cannot tip our hand to the Turkish side.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey: Also sent a letter to Secretary Rice
concerning Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Congressman Joe Knollenberg: "Youʼre being here is the most important"

Congressman Chris van Hollen: He is impressed with the initiatives

Congresswoman Nita Lowey

Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart: He states that when we talk about
border crossings, that is not acceptable: The issue is no border.

Congressman Eliot Engel: He was also given an award. Elliot Engel
drafted the first resolution on Cyprus "Cyprus Missing." He says,
"It is not only politically right, it is morally right."

Congressman Zack Space: "As long as we are in this House, they
will continue to fight for human rights and justice, as long as the
situation remains in Cyprus."

Congressman Gus Bilirakis: He will not rest until FYROM is resolved.

Congressman John Sarbanes: "Idea of home is so strong in our
community. So many refugees cannot go back and cannot have experience
being connected to place of origin. Maybe tomorrow will be the day
we return."

Senator Barbara Mikulski: "Make the Lydra crossing-point not another
Checkpoint Charlie." Discusses excitement for recent positive moves
towards Cyprus solution, FYROM, and Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Senator Jack Reed: "These symbolic gestures that seem irreversible,
when some of what Turkey is doing is quite the opposite." We must
point to Ankara to take real steps not just symbolic.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: He said how significant is for a small
state Senator to be close to the Greek community and he praise Rhode
Island State Senator Lou Raptakis and veteran power breaker George
Paniches for their contributions to the state politics.

Senator Carl Levin: He was presented with the "Frezis Award". In his
speech he praised Greece as strong ally of the United States and he
promised to continue working close with our community for our concerns.

Senator Joe Leiberman: No people sympathize more tellingly than the
U.S. Progress towards peace in Cyprus and to protect the rights of
all religions.

Senator Joe Biden: Addressing the conference after he received the
"Livanos Award" he said he felt guilty that Cyprus is still not
united. "It is my hope that I think a truly committed president willing
to take some chances could move process to culmination." He goes
on further to say "Self-interest of all parties is converging." And
ends by saying, "A promise made is a promise kept. Youʼve kept every
promise to me and I hope I keep all my promises."

Senator Robert Menendez: He assured Greek Americans that we have
had great successes, although not the ultimate success. He does not
think of Hellenic issues as mere Hellenic issues, but broad based
issues. Speaking to the Macedonian question he said he will refuse
to allow to use the name Macedonia in any bill, since NATO does not
refer to FYROM as Macedonia.

Speaking on Cyprus he said "We cannot have a solution imposed on
Cyprus but solution by Cypriots."

He ends by stating, "When we have a President and Senators that will
pressure Turkey, that will end occupation in Cyprus."

ALSO PRESENT Among the participants of the conference also were,
NY State Assemblyman Michael Gianaris, Rhode Island State Senator
Lou Raptakis and former NY State Assemblyman Matthew Mirones.
