ANCA: Activists Demand Decisive Action on Stopping Darfur Genocide

Date: May 28, 2008
Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region
122 W. 27th St., New York, NY 10001
Contact: Karine Birazian
Tel: 917-428-1918

–ANCA Takes part in Africa Action rally in New York City

New York, NY— On May 22, 2008, hundreds of activists gathered in
front of the U.S. Mission at the United Nations in New York City
with Darfur advocacy leaders to deliver thousands of handprints and
messages from all over the country demanding decisive U.S. action
to end genocide in Darfur and promote peace for Sudan, reported the
Armenian National Committee of America, Eastern Region (ANCA ER).

"The Armenian National Committee of America will continue to work
to make sure that action is taken in Darfur. Whether making sure
that peacekeepers are sent, divestment is taking place amongst the
various states, or overall awareness is brought about, we must do
all we can to stop this genocide," commented Karine Birazian,
Eastern Region Executive Director for the ANCA.

Speakers included: Gerald LeMelle, Executive Director, Africa
Action; Eric Gioia, New York City Council Member; Yahya Mohammad
Osman, Vice President, Darfur Rehabilitation Project; Motasim Adam,
President, Darfur People’s Association of New York; Rev. Fr. Mesrob
Lakissian, Pastor, St. Illuminator’s Armenian Apostolic Church;
Mohamed Yahya, Executive Director, Damanga Coalition for Freedom
and Democracy; Rev. Herbert Daughtry, Pastor, House of the Lord
Church in Brooklyn and head of the National Religious Leaders of
African Ancestry Concerned about Darfur, and Michael Perlman and
Jodie Manross who provided an inspirational performance.

Eric Gioia, New York City councilman, commented "our children will
say to us in 10 years, in 20 years, when you found out, what did
you do? And how can any of us look them in the eye and say I did
nothing. Good people, when good people say they stand for
something, the question you have to ask them is what are we willing
to do about it, and if the answer is I am not willing to do
anything that the sad truth is you don’t stand firm."

Father Mesrob Lakissian, Pastor of St. Illuminator’s Armenian
Apostolic Church, stated: "we the children and grandchildren of the
survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 remember that it was the
kindness of strangers and aid that came from all over the world
especially from the United States that saved our ancestors. Today,
we thank God for his deliverance and pledge to make our voices
heard in the face of evil and injustice¦"

Cosponsoring the event along with Africa Action were, African
Services Committee, American Jewish World Service, Armenian
National Committee of America, Chadian Association of North
America, Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy, DarfurMetro,
Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Darfur People’s Association of New
York, Darfur Vigilers, the ENOUGH Project, Genocide Intervention
Network, Making a Difference (MAD), NY City Coalition for Darfur,
Rock to Save Darfur, Shine a Ray of Hope, STAND and TransAfrica

The U.N. Security Council has primary responsibility to maintain
international peace and security. The Presidency of the Council
rotates monthly, according to the English alphabetical listing of
its member States, and on June 1, 2008, the United States will take
over the presidency. Over 450,000 people have lost their lives and
millions have been displaced in the ongoing genocide in Darfur.
Although the U.S. government has acknowledged this genocide, it has
failed to take the necessary action to protect the people of
Darfur. Africa Action, the ANCA, and rally supporters are calling
on President Bush to assert U.S. leadership in support of a
multinational intervention to stop the ongoing genocide in Darfur.

Photo Captions: Left to Right ANCA ER Director Karine Birazian,
Father Mesrob Lakissian, and Gerald LeMelle, Executive Director of
Africa Action