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PM Tigran Sargsyan’s congratulation on the Republic Day

PM Tigran Sargsyan’s congratulation on the Republic Day

28.05.2008 12:28

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan issued a congratulatory message on
the occasion of the Republic Day. The message states, in pat:

`Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on the Republic Day – the 90 the anniversary of
proclamation of the First Republic of Armenia. After a break of nearly
600 years, on May 28, 1918 the restoration of the independent Armenian
statehood was a result of the glorious heroic battles the Armenian
people fought in Sardarapat, Bash-Aparan and Gharakilisa. We should
never forget the May victories that were achieved due to national
unity, exceptional unanimity, becoming the basis for the new
expressions of the freedom-loving spirit of our people, the new
historical feats in the Artsakhi war. The victories achieved in the
battlefield give us the will and resoluteness to preserve and develop
what has been achieved through the joint struggle of generations,
strengthen our independent statehood to resist the contemporary
challenges and to create a more prosperous future for our people.

Once again I congratulate all of us on this beautiful day – on the
occasion of the Republic Day, and wish you health, peaceful sky and
strong faith in the future of our people and the independent Armenian

Tavakalian Edgar:
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