Not studied properly, NK one of most complicated post-conflict areas


Not studied properly, Karabakh is one of most
complicated post-conflict areas
31.05.2008 13:42 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Lecturers and students of French
universities Îxford brookes and Paris 12 arrived in
Nagorno Karabakh to study the problems of
post-conflict states.

Head of the group Brigitte Piquard, who pays her third
visit Karabakh, said that their research is not only
theoretical and the Karabakhi authorities may use it
if they want. -Not studied properly, Karabakh is one
of the most complicated post-conflict areas,- Ms
Piquard said.

The purpose of the visit is to establish partner
relations and open an office for studying
possibilities of peaceful building and reconstruction.
The research is conducted in Shushi, the town that was
most of all damaged in Karabakh war. -Our surveys
fixed some progress against the data we had three
years ago. People do welcome these achievements,
specifically reconstruction of historical facilities,-
Ms Piquard said.

Residents of Shushi link development of the town with
tourism, according to the students. However, having
studied the experience of a number of post-conflict
states, the young scientists warned that tourism can
transform into global aggression and offered to
develop the social sector first of all, the Caucasian
Knot reports.