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Matthew Bryza. The Status Quo Is Dangerous

By A. Haroutiunian

AZG Armenian Daily

Karabakh Issue

The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen expect the peace talks on
Nagorno-Karabakh, which are to take place in Saint-Petersburg,
Russia, to be continued from the point where they stopped after the
presidential elections in Armenia, said Matthew Bryza in an interview
to Day.az.

With the presidential election in Azerbaijan upcoming, Bryza noted
that the peace talks on Karabakh must proceed in despite of President
Aliev’s engagement in the pre-election campaign.

Bryza said he has no special expectations from the introductory meeting
of Serge Sarkisian and Ilham Aliyev. Bryza promised to figure out the
differences between Aliev-Kocharian from Aliyev-Sarkisian meetings
after the talks in Petersburg.

Referring to the lack of compromise in Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations,
the American Co-Chair said, "I think the status-quo is dangerous. It
is obvious when there are skirmishes on the border and people are
killed. There is no aggrieved party in this case. Both the sides
suffered and both of them have to find ways to understanding and
achieve and agreement".

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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