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It Is Impossible To Build Democracy At Once In Armenia, Rafik Petros


Noyan Tapan

Ju ne 6, 2008

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, NOYAN TAPAN. Before adoption of constitutional
amendments in 2005, there was no clear separation among the three
branches of power, chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State
and Legal Issues Rafik Petrosian said at the June 6 discussion. In
his words, under the current Constitution, the power branches are
separated from each other and have the opportunities to keep each
other in check. One "checking" circumstance is that, for example, the
RA president signs NA-adopted laws and he has the right to disagree
with their contents and put a veto. Besides, the National Assembly
has the right to express no confidence of the government, while the
Ombudsman can "influnce both the legislative and executive bodies if
human rights are neglected during their activities". Rafik Petrosian
stated that establishment of the institution of omudsman was a step
aimed at balancing and checking the authorities.

Member of NA "Heritage" faction Armen Harityunian in his turn said
that there is no balance among the power branches. The constitution
stipulates such balance but it does not exist in reality. As he put it,
today’s "shameful trials" of opposition supporters and persecutions
of many of them show that the judicial system, which represents
the highest power, obeys the instructions of a lower power – the
prosecutor’s office which is part of the government.

In response R. Petrosian admitted that "there are numerous flaws in
Armenia". He added that the government has always tried to "make the
National Assembly the body of its pocket". He expressed an opinion that
the NA’s mistake is that it passes all laws proposed by the executive
body without proper discussions. "It is impossible to build democracy
at once in Armenia," R. Petrosian said.

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