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Russian Becomes Enemy Language In Former USSR

Russian Becomes Enemy Language In Former USSR

Pravda, Russia
June 11 2008

The Russian administration has decided to do everything possible to
make Russian the official language in all countries of the former
USSR (currently known as the Commonwealth of Independent States,
CIS). However, the leaders of some of those countries are not eager
to follow Russia at this point.

The idea to make the Russian language the official language on the
post-Soviet space is not new. Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry
started working on the subject in 2003.

If a country decides to acknowledge Russia its official language
then it is up to this country to elaborate necessary mechanisms for
it," a spokesman for the Institute of the CIS, Vladimir Zharikhin
told Pravda.ru.

The specialist urged not to politicize the issue of the Russian
language in post-Soviet states. "This is a humanitarian mission,
first and foremost. Studying the Russian language and culture is one
of the ways to become a part of world culture," he said.

A spokesman for the Center of Strategic Research, Sergei Mikheyev, was
more skeptic in his comments about the problem. "We remain on the
declarative level of the Russian language status, as it was five years
ago. The situation has only worsened during those years. Nationalist
forces in some countries strive to distance themselves from Russia,
its language and culture as much as possible. Like Viktor Yushchenko
said – Russia ends where the Russian language ends," Mikheyev
told Pravda.ru.

Fore the time being, none of the countries of the former Soviet Union
has agreed to acknowledge Russian its official language. In addition,
nationalist movements in many of those countries try to get rid of
the Russian language. People already start to forget it.

"Many young people do not speak and do not understand
Russian. Russian can become an elite language in Georgia, which is a
great misfortune," the Russian Ambassador to Georgia, Vyacheslav
Kovalenko said.

Speaking about Georgia, this country does not see any reason for its
citizens to study Russian. Knowledge of Russia is not required for job
seekers even at the companies owned by Russian entrepreneurs. However,
it will be difficult for young Georgians to come to Russia or try to
enter a Russian university.

If the situation continues to develop like that in the future,
CIA organizations, Like GUAM for example, will have to acknowledge
English its international communication language.

Armenia gradually forgets Russian too. Despite Armenians friendly
ties with Russia, it was decided not to broadcast programs in the
Russian language on Armenian TV channels.

As for Ukraine, about 50 percent of its population speaks Russian. The
Ukrainian authorities have discussed the question of the Russian
language on numerous occasions. However, President Yushchenko is not
going to spend any funds to support the Russian language and culture
in Ukraine.

Many guest workers from Central Asia, who come to Moscow or other
cities of Russia for earnings, can hardly speak Russians. The
governments of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are too busy
with their economic problems to tackle the language problem.

It just so happens that studying Russian has become a person problem
on the post-Soviet space. The number of Russian schools continues to
decline, whereas the Russian-speaking population leaves. The former
USSR seems to forget that language is a highly important part of the
cultural code of a nation.

Harutyunian Christine:
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