Tax Policy Becomes More Rigid


12-06-2008 11:40:36

Several big grocery stores in Stepanakert are closed. On the doors
is the seal of the Tax Service and the note that the given store
is closed from June 10 to 19 because of breaches of the use of cash
machines. The closure of shops causes inconveniences for the citizens
who now have to go far to buy food.

>From November 2007 132 audits were conducted. 102 revealed
breaches. The sum of fines for breaches of the use of cash machines
is 9 million 825 thousand drams, of which 6 million 125 thousand
drams was paid to the state budget.

Before and during the audit the taxpayers received oral
notifications. So, the fines were not unexpected. During the audit
the activities of a number of companies were suspended.