Armenian Opposition To Hold A Rally In The Center Of Yerevan Friday


June 20 2008

YEREVAN, June 20 (Itar-Tass) — The Armenian Opposition will hold a
national rally in the center of the capital Yerevan on Friday. This
is going to be the first mass action by the supporters of the former
presidential candidate, Armenia’s first president, Levon Ter-Petrosian,
63. After losing the February 19 presidential election he agreed
to lead a powerful anti-government movement. After a ten-day-long
round-the-clock rally, dispersed by police there followed mass rioting
in the center of Yerevan on March 1 and 2. Ten died and some 200
others were injured.

The National People’s Movement Center has said in a statement the
organizers of Friday’s rally will seek to draw the attention of
the public at large and the authorities to progress in restoring
democratic freedoms in the republic, including the implementation
of Resolution 1609 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe on the activity of democratic institutions in Armenia.

"We welcome the promise given by the police to prevent mass rioting
and crimes during the rally," the Opposition said. It also believes
that "the attitude to provocateurs must be very harsh and the right
of other citizens to demonstrate must not be abused."

The Opposition disclaims the responsibility for the March 1-2 clashes
and blames the rioting on provocateurs. The rally’s organizers have
voiced the readiness to cooperate with the police in maintaining law
and order at the event.

Originally, the Opposition intended to gather its supporters in the
square in front of the opera theater. The city authorities denied
permission to offer an alternative site – the area in front of the
Institute of Ancient Manuscripts.