PA – Urgent debate on Armenia warranted

Armenia: ‘insufficient progress’ on PACE demands, an urgent debate
therefore warranted

Strasbourg, 19.06.2008 – An urgent debate on Armenia at the plenary
session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is
warranted, according to the head of PACE’s Monitoring Committee.

Progress made so far by the Armenian authorities in meeting the
Assembly’s demands
< 3D/Documents/AdoptedText/ta08/ERES1
609.htm> following the February 2008 post-election violence has been
judged insufficient by the committee’s co-rapporteurs Georges Colombier
(France, EPP/CD) and John Prescott (United Kingdom, SOC), its chair
Serhiy Holovaty said in a letter today to the Assembly’s President.

The two parliamentarians made a two-day visit to the country (16-17
June) to assess progress, in line with an earlier decision
< pPressView.asp?ID=3D2052> taken
the committee in Kyiv.
