Categories: News

Global Gold Corporation Holds Public Hearings On Project Of Exploita


2008-06-23 15:54:00

ArmInfo. The US company Global Gold Corporation (GGC) held
public hearings on the project of exploitation of the Marjan
gold-polymetallic deposit in Sisian, Syunik region of Armenia, on June
20. Representatives of the regional administration, rural community,
as well as the Armenian ministries of environment and economy attended
the hearings.

Director of GGC Office in Armenia Ashot Poghosyan noted that the
wide discussion of the project is conditioned by the law on impact
on environment. He assured the participants in the hearings that the
impact on the environment as a result of exploitation of the Marjan
deposit will be minimal, and the social and economic effect will be
tangible. The director pointed out that there are no forest ranges or
pastures at the Marjan deposit, therefore its exploitation will not
cause ecological problems. As regards possible pollution of the river,
the company is planning to take samples of water near the source of the
river and present the results to the public regularly. The good news
is that there is a possibility to create an open pit on the deposit,
the director said. Open mining is less dangerous for workers and it
is cheaper as well. A.Poghosyan noted that 35-40 people have already
been involved in the exploration works at Marjan since last year. When
the deposit is launched, the number of workers may increase to 100. To
note, the matter concerns unskilled labor force to be attracted from
the local and neighbor communities.

Besides engineering infrastructures and plant, the company is also
planning to build a road, water channel, establish communication as
there is no communication in the community at all. "Our company bears
social responsibility for the implemented projects and we are ready
to discuss not only ecology-related issues you are interested in,
but any other issues as well", Poghosyan said. The Marjan deposit
is situated near the border with Nakhijevan. The village of Arevis
with a population of 140 people is at the foot of the deposit. The
residents of the village and adjoining communities, who met the
company’s representatives, are mostly interested in creation of new
work positions and improvement of living standards. The company has
already repaired and furnished the school in Arevis and built 50 km
of roads.

Jidarian Alex:
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