Investigation Into 56 Cases Related To March 1-2 Events Completed



JU NE 23

As of June 20, 100 criminal cases related to mass disorder on March
1-2 were registered in courts, including 10 criminal cases in the
Criminal Appeal Court. Spokeswoman for the RA Cassation Court Alina
Yengoyan told NT correspondent that out of these cases, investigation
into 56 criminal cases on 63 persons was completed. 55 persons were
sentenced to imprisonment, including 25 suspended sentences. 4+1
court decisions of "not guilty" were passed, punishment not related
to imprisonment was applied with respect to 4 persons, appeals were
filed on 10 criminal cases.

Thus, as of June 20, 2008, the Yerevan Criminal Court had to examine
26 criminal cases, the court of general jurisdiction of Kentron and
Nork-Marash communities – 10 criminal cases, the court of general
jurisdiction of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun communities – one criminal
case, the Northern Criminal Court – one criminal case, and the Criminal
Appeal Court – 6 criminal cases.

On June 23 the Criminal Appeal Court left unchanged the March 26
decision of the Gegharkunik court of general jurisdiction, by which
Avetik Drechian was sentenced to 2 years’ imprisonment under Article
235 part 1 of the RA Criminal Code – illegal procurement, sale,
keeping, transportation or carrying of weapons, explosives or explosive
devices. In connection with another case related to the March 1-2 mass
disorder, Mher Sargsian was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment under
the CC Article 176 part 2 point 3 – robbery. The court of general
jurisdiction of Arabkir and Zeytun communities sentenced Borik
Arabachian to one-year imprisonment under the same article’s part 1.