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Open letter to Greek PM

Eleni matheou

Hellenic News of America
June 26 2008

Dear Prime minister,

We the undersigned: Hellenes of Diaspora, Hellenes of Greece,
Armenians, Assyrians and other descendants of the historical peoples
of Asia Minor; and, Philhellenes from many nations, are writing to
express our shock and outrage that your Administration is seeking, in
an arbitrary action of doubtful legality, to delete the word "Genocide"
as a response to annoyance expressed by Turkish regime officials.

Three years ago, Law 2645 passed unanimously by the Parliament and
subsequently ruled constitutional by the Council of State, calls
for the recognition of September 14 as a day of Remembrance of the
Genocide of Hellenism in Asia Minor.

Respectfully we urge you, NOT to remove the word "Genocide" in trying
to respond to demands by the authoritarian Kemalist regime presently
ruling the Turkish people.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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