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Armenians To Get Social Cards Instantly


June 28

>From now on, Armenians will be able to get their
social cards immediately after they submit an application. For this,
Armenian citizens need to apply to the Nork Information and Analytical
Centre of RA Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, produce their
passports and get their social cards in a few minutes.

The Press Service of the Nork Information Centre said soon people will
have an opportunity to instantly get their social cards in banks and
customs departments as well.

The new system substantially simplifies the process of issuing
social cards.

So far 2,76mln social cards have been issued in Armenia. The system
of individual social cards was introduced in Armenia on January 1,
2005, in accordance with RA Law "On Social Cards".

It says each citizen of Armenia, as well as refugees and people
without citizenship irrespective of their age must be issued social
cards bearing 10 symbols, with reference to sex, date of birth,
and passport number.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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