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4041 People Leaving Their Parties


04 July, 2008

Minutes ago "A1+" received the following announcement.

"The authorities of Armenia are going to realize the next in turn
illegal deal for their marionettes. Taking into account the fact
that Liberal Progressive Party of Armenia (LPPA) is a part of
the allnational movement led by Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the present
authorities, having the aim to dissolve the movement, give legacy to
the so called Â"congressÂ" of LPPA invited by practically one person.

Properly appreciating today’s reality and not trusting the acting
system of jurisdiction at all, as well as being sure that again the
Â"jurisdictionÂ" will implement new legal nonsense for bringing to
life the project planned by the authorities, we and the members of
the party that support us with 4041 people:

1. Yerevan – 1633,

2. Aragatsotn marz – 205,

3. Ararat marz – 278,

4. Armavir marz – 313,

5. Gegharquniq marz – 334,

6. Lori marz – 24,

7. Kotayq marz – 672,

8. Shirak marz – 228,

9. Syuniq marz – 54,

10. Vayots Dzor marz – 122,

11. Tavush marz – 178,

declare about coming out of LPPA founded by our own in 2004 and about
the initiation of establishing Liberal Party of Armenia (LPA).

We also inform that in 7 February 2007, the number of LPPA members
was 5127 (see RA parties, Reference Book 2007, P. 127), and at
the moment there are 5338 members. The division of party members,
i.e. which party member is for whom, has been fixed in LPPA since
its establishment. We have never spoken on behalf of Antinyan or 1297
LPPA members brought to the party by his supporters.

Chairman of LPPA, Chairman of LPPA Political Board Hovhannes

LPPA Political Board Member Vahram Harutyunyan

LPPA Political Board Member Lilit Makunts

LPPA Political Board Member Tigran Zargaryan

Head of LPPA Auditing Commission Harutyun Aleqsanyan

LPPA Auditing Commission Member Haykaz Tarlamazyan

Head of LPPA Analytical Centre Kamo Makunts

Head of LPPA Working Staff Vladimir Ghazaryan

As well as party members with the above-mentioned numbers from local

–Boundary_(ID_11PZoSbCT/xt4VHyK RQ4Yg)–

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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