Categories: News

Neither In Theory, Nor In Practice


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
Published on July 04, 2008

According to the information disseminated recently, 70-80 percent
of the gasoline imported to Armenia is not represented in relevant

That’s to say, a large quantity of gasoline is smuggled into the
republic in thousands of freight cars.

As mentioned by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, it might mean that
we are dealing with international smuggling because the imported
gasoline crosses the borders of several states.

Besides, it might also mean that there is no relevant control on
the border.

"This information is very far from the reality. It is unfeasible either
in theory or in practice. A small vehicle importing some product that
may be used for twofold purposes becomes a subject of discussions in
the international tribunals once it crosses our border, and we all
know it very well. And this kind information currently presented to
the republic cannot be true.

Such information is disseminated with the purpose of discrediting
the authorities instead of strengthening our statehood," T. Sargsyan
mentioned yesterday.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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