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LTP calls on president to dissociate from his predecessor Kocharyan

Leader of Armenian opposition calls on incumbent president of Armenia
to dissociate from his predecessor – ex-president Robert Kocharyan

2008-07-04 23:09:00

ArmInfo. The first president of Armenia, leader of opposition Levon
Ter-Petrossyan called on the incumbent RA president Serzh Sargsyan to
dissociate from his predecessor Robert Kocharyan.

At the July 4 multi-thousand strong rally of opposition supporters near
Matenadaran Depositary of Ancient Manuscripts, Levon Ter-Petrossyan
said that the incumbent president has two ways of his further activity.
The first way of Serzh Sargsyan is to release all the political
prisoners, stop political persecutions against opposition, and
reconsider the monopoly policy in the economy. "If Serzh Sargsyan takes
these steps, he may try to legitimize himself by participating in snap
presidential election. In this case, Sargsyan will be able to be a more
or less serious rival for me. However, I see that Serzh Sargsyan is
inclined to the second variant, i.e. he will continue the evil policy.
Over three months in presidential office, he did nothing except beating
a record in banning opposition’s rallies and appointing more an more
incompetent people to posts", Ter-Petrossyan said.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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