President Sargsyan congratulates the nation on Constitution Day

President Sargsayn congratulates the nation on Constitution Day
05.07.2008 12:21

Dear compatriots,
I congratulate you on the occasion of the Constitution Day.

Adoption of the Constitution was a historical event in the life of any
country. The Constitution has played a huge role in the development of
Armenia, establishment and reinforcement of democracy, it has been and
remains an impetus and guide for development.

That is why today is a holiday in our country, the holiday of all
citizens and compatriots, all those people who realize bothe their
constitutional rights and freedoms and responsibilities.

Today our country and all of us have new challenges to resist, which is
possible only under the conditions of respect for Constitution and

Dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia,

The Construction Day is the holiday of all of us, because Constitution
is us, every of us. The power of the Mother Law rests on the will of
any of us, who are ready to defend the main law of the country and the
way of living acceptable for us.

Once again congratulating you on the Constitution Day, I wish all of us
will, consistency and resoluteness to realize our daring programs
targeted at the development of the country.