Inaugural Assembly of the Pan-Armenian Church Youth Organization

From: [email protected]
Subject: Inaugural Assembly of the Pan-Armenian Church Youth Organization

Inaugural Assembly of the Pan-Armenian Church Youth Organization in the
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
12.07.2008 12:46

Under the presidency and with the blessings of His Holiness Garegin II,
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the inaugural world
assembly of the Armenian Church Youth Organization convened in Mother
See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The venue for the meetings was the newly
renovated concert hall of the Gevorkian Theological Seminary.

More than 130 young men and women, representing 35 dioceses and
pastorates of the worldwide Armenian Church, participated in this first
assembly aimed at approving the new constitution for the Pan-Armenian
Church Youth Organization (Pan-ACYO).

The delegates greeted the entrance of the Armenian Pontiff as he
entered the hall and the assembly opened with the Lordâ??s Prayer.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by Karen Petrosian, Chairman of the
Interim Central Council for the Pan-ACYO.

Representatives from the dioceses of Armenia, Asia, Australia, South
America, North America and Europe, as well as the Armenian Patriarchate
of Constantinople, delivered introductory remarks expressing their love
and gratitude to the Catholicos of All Armenians and their commitment
to their efforts to unite Armenian youth from around the world with the
goal of serving our Lord Jesus Christ through the Armenian Church and
enriching their Armenian cultural and national values through their

presence and participation in the life of the homeland.

In his address to the delegates, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of
North America and coordinator of the inaugural assembly, stressed that
the establishment today of the Pan-ACYO is an imperative in our
contemporary lives â?? one that was identified by His Holiness Garegin II
years ago when he initiated this effort. His Eminence stated that this
assembly is the culmination of years of thought and work, and is the
reply of faithful sons and daughters of the Armenian Church to the call
made by the Catholicos of All Armenians for the youth to unite in Holy

Abp. Derderian stated, â??The inaugural assembly of delegates of the
Armenian Church Youth Organization opens a new page in the history of
our Holy Church. The purpose of the Pan-ACYO is to lead Armenian young
people to God, to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, to the homeland
and to a life filled with faith and Christian morals. The purpose and
the mission of the youth organization is to help Armenian young people
establish their life in dialogue with God and on paths leading to our
Savior. The result of our efforts will be the creation and prosperity
of the Armenian family. The path will be to transform our homeland and
Holy Etchmiadzin into the starting point of our life and the Armenian
family into the ancho
r of our existence.â?? His Eminence concluded his
comments and thereafter invited the Pontiff of All Armenians to address
the delegates and offer his blessings.

His Holiness Garegin II blessed the gathered delegates and the creation
of the Pan-ACYO with these words of encouragement and challenge: â??â??The
Armenian Church is the birthplace of our soulâ?? says the author. It is
the guarantor of Armenian identity. It is the place where you learn to
love God and to love one another. Our aim today is to unite our sons
and daughters under the protective dome and walls of our Church. We
wish for you to build your lives â?? your blessed lives â?? within sight of
her lofty dome ascending to the heavens. We want you place the Church
at the axis â?? at the very heart of your existence, since it is the
center of our collective national life.â??

His Holiness continued, â??â?¦Our national identity, our culture, our
spiritual life are bound with Christianity and founded on the
teachings, gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, they are
created by Christ. If you wish to be worthy citizens of your countries;
if you wish to be the worthy children of our nation, then you must live
your life within the Church and with Christ.â??

His Holiness concluded his message by exhorting the delegates to,
â??Search into the mystery of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
of our
Apostolic Holy Church and the homeland. See eternity within its domed
halls and in its soil, and remain faithful to this sacred mystery. Live
with this mystery and reinforce it within you and among your friends.
With your hard work, with your devoted endeavors, with your vibrant
service, you shall pass on the legacy of our ancestors to your
successors and the generations which follow them.â??

The Catholicos of All Armenians also expressed his appreciation and
commendation to Archbishop Hovnan Derderian for his efforts and
dedication in preparing and organizing this inaugural assembly, as well
as to the diocesan primates and pastors for contributing to the
establishment of the Pan-ACYO.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS