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R Musabekov: Russia presses on Georgia to rule entire So. Caucasus


Rasim Musabekov: Russia presses on Georgia to rule the entire South Caucasus
12.07.2008 14:37 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The situation in the South Caucasus is not easy,
according to an Azeri political scientist.

`Nevertheless, I think that Georgian and Russian leaders will be wise
enough to prevent a tragedy,’ Rasim Musabekov said when commenting on
recent tensions between the two countries.

Touching on Azerbaijan, he said, `These tensions have direct influence
on Baku and use of force would be undesirable. Azerbaijan is in a
better condition because Turkey will interfere in case of any
aggression. Russia understands this and directs its pressure on
Georgia to rule the entire South Caucasus. However, this scenario is
pregnant with unpredictable consequences, first of all for Russia
itself,’ he said, 1news.az reports.

Karagyozian Lena:
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