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BAKU: Obama ‘s Coloured Policy: Is The Democratic Candidate A Friend


Zahid Safaroglu

Yeni Musavat
Jule 20 2008

It seems that Barak Obama, who is of Muslim origin, is elected
president of the USA, the Armenians will achieve their longstanding
objective. The objective is to secure official recognition of the
fabricated Armenian genocide. The major Democratic candidate has
been insisting on this issue. It does not look like Obama gives a
vain hope. He demonstrates a will and calls on others to follow him.

The black candidate has recently reiterated his black intentions and
spoke about the importance of recognition [of the 1915 killings of
Armenians as genocide]. In a letter to the head of the Armenian
National Committee of America, Ken Hachikyan, Obama mentioned
"the necessity of the recognition of the events that took place in
the Ottoman Empire in 1915-23 as genocide" and called everybody to
recognize it. He criticized the Bush administration for delaying the
recognition. "There have been no ground for the administration to
delay it up to now," said Obama.

One can argue that many US presidents did make similar statements
while they were candidates. But they forgot about their promises after
gaining the votes of Armenians in the USA. Some observers predict
a similar end this time as well. However, this forecast cannot be
100 per cent true any more. Unlike the Republican candidate, [John]
McCain, who did not promise recognition of the "genocide" and could
not secure Armenian votes, Obama not only gives promises but also
endeavours to prove his willingness.

There is a serious ground for Turkey and Azerbaijan to worry about
this. Recognition of this fabricated issue by a super power like the
USA will motivate Armenians to deal a blow to Turkey and Azerbaijan. It
will give the Armenians an extra argument and will strengthen their
positions in the Karabakh problem. It will improve the image of the
"poor and oppressed Armenians". The struggle of our treacherous
neighbours for independence of Karabakh will be more positively
accepted by the world. The just voice of Azerbaijan will not be heard.

The fact that Obama is the candidate from the Democratic Party
increases our concerns. Azerbaijan and Turkey have suffered a lot
from the Democrats (though we have suffered from the Republicans
as well author’s note). The Amendment 907 [that bans US government
aid to Azerbaijan] was adopted during Bill Clinton’s Democratic
administration. The amendment has not yet been removed. The Democratic
majority in the US Congress has recently introduced a bill on the
recognition of the fabricated genocide. That proposal is still on
the agenda.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that US Democratic presidents
respect fundamental freedoms better [than Republican presidents]. If
the Democrats recognized the Armenians’ unjust claims, that respect
would have no sense for Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Another factor increasing the threat is that Obama is of Muslim origin
but pretends adhering to Christianity. In order to demonstrate that
he is not a Muslim, Obama might deal a blow to Muslims and Turks. He
may recognize the fabricated genocide with that purpose. Stalin also
used to promote Russian interests to the detriment of the Georgians.

While enemies of Turkey and Azerbaijan are getting active in the
world, there is an unfortunate political crisis in regards to the
possible closure of the AKP [the ruling Justice and Development
Party in Turkey]. The infighting prevents Turkey from focusing on
the foreign threats. We do not even mention the insipid policy of
the Azerbaijani authorities.

We hope that if Obama is elected, the process will not get to the
point which I have mentioned. (It is also realistic that John McCain,
who is a more appropriate candidate for Azerbaijan and Turkey,
will be elected author’s note). There is a hope for Turkey’s and
Azerbaijan’s growing importance for the USA’s geopolitical, regional
and energy interests. Despite the colour of their skins, no future
owner of the White House can ignore this importance. This importance
prevails over dividends that a president might gain from the Armenian
benevolence. The above mentioned factor also makes the Democratic
majority in the Congress to doubt the recognition of the "genocide".

Virabian Jhanna:
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