Turkey should have opened its border with Armenia long ago

"Turkey should have opened its border with Armenia still long ago to
make Amenian economy dependent on Turkey, not Russia"

19.07.2008 21:35

Political scientist Zardust Alizadeh told ANS PRESS while commenting on
prospects of opening of Turkey-Armenia borders.

"Azerbaijan shouldn’t accept opening of Turkey-Armenia borders as a
tragedy. This event has to take place at some point. I’m happy that
South Caucasian region starts to assess the events in view of reality."
Political scientist Zardust Alizadeh told ANS PRESS while commenting on
prospects of opening of Turkey-Armenia borders. He said if borders
open, it will be wrong to expect any concession from Azerbaijani side
on Qarabaq conflcit. "Qarabaq problem can be solved only owing to
efficient policy of Azerbaijan. This issue can be solved by noone
except us."

Alizadeh supposes, Turkey should have opened its border with Armenia
still long ago in order to make Amenian economy dependent on Turkey,
but not Russia. "In this case Turkey would have a great influence
opportunity on Armenia. Moreover, this situation can have a possitive
effect on Daqliq Qarabaq conflict settlement." /ANS PRESS/