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Serzh Sargsyan: President Gul’s Visit To Armenia May Turn Positive T



JU LY 23

As RA President Serzh Sargsyan estimated it, tendencies of sound
discussion of problems in Armenian-Turkish relations are noticed in the
two countries’ societies, and Turkish President Gul’s visit to Armenia
may turn these positive tendencies into a good, stable movement.

Stating this at the press conference dedicated to 100 days of his
tenure, the President added: "Sports grounds are not for expressing
hostility, but for showing force, wit, skill." Reminding to those
present that Armenian and Azeri national teams had appeared in the same
sub-group in the selective tour of European Football Championship,
the President said: "We were ready to receive Azeris in Yerevan,
to go to Baku, but there was no readiness from Azeri side, as a
result we lost on both sides." S. Sargsyan emphasized that there are
some people in Armenia and Turkey, who have a different opinion of
Armenian-Turkish relations, but their existence "should not make us
do nothing," "we are obliged to improve our relations."

In spite of the statement of some Turkish politicians and officials
that improval of relations is only beneficial for Armenia, the RA
President considers that improval of relations will be mutually
beneficial. "In general, it is difficult to act against sound logic
and reason," he said adding that if possible Armenia will improve its
relations with Azerbaijan, will constantly deepen its relations with
Iran and Georgia.

Former President Kocharian’s statement over that issue, according to S.

Sargsyan, does not contain any criticism at all, as S. Sargsyan cleared
it up, Kocharian just expressed disagreement with the concrete step of
inviting President Gul to Armenia to watch the match of Armenia-Turkey
national teams in Yerevan. "We did not hold the same opinion in all
issues in the past, either: I preferred expressing my opinion to him
non-publicly. I respect his decision to publicly express his opinion,
I see nothing strange about it," S. Sargsyan said.

S. Sargsyan considers absurd the rumors, according to which, Kocharian
secretly continues ruling the country. "Ruling a state is not ruling
business where an executive director can be appointed and one can keep
the ownership rights and run the business," he said adding that when
making decisions he, certainly, consults with both Kocharian and his
coalition member partners, specialists. "It is my working style and
I will continue the same way, but it is me, who is responsible for
my decisions," he said.

Speaking about the Nagorno Karabakh problem, the RA President
stated that the means of problem’s peaceful settlement have not been
exhausted. He said that he has an impression that President Aliyev is
ready to continue the negotiations. According to Sargsyan, if the Azeri
side complains of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs, the Armenian side
can be quiet. In the RA President’s opinion, this is little cunning
for the mediators to be a bit milder to Azerbaijan or try to fulfil
some of their demands for Azerbaijan not to criticize them.

The RA President also said that until a peace agreement is signed, at
least two officials in the country, the RA President and the Defence
Minister, should consider that operations may start just tomorrow,
and constant efforts should be exerted in that direction, and they
are exerted.

Touching upon the PACE resolutions’ requirements, S. Sargsyan stated:
"Armenia has no problem of managing or not managing fulfilment of
all requirements of PACE two resolutions until January." S. Sargsyan
said that there are deeper provisions in his preelection program,
which will be fulfilled, as the goal of both these resolutions and
his preelection program is to have more democratic Armenia. "Unless
some provision is fulfilled until January, I do not think that it can
result in a flood. Certainly, it is desirable to see such Armenia
as soon as possible, it is desirable to solve all our problems as
soon as possible, but it not right to mention certain terms," the RA
President said.

Mamian George:
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