Categories: News

All Is Said


[09:00 pm] 01 August, 2008

During the All Armenian Movement rally his speech delivered Chairman
of the "Hanrapetutyun" (Republic) Party Aram Z. Sargssian. "Let all the
opposition leaders forgive me, but I have never met a more experienced
and consistent political figure than Levon Ter-Petrossian," he said.

Aram Sargssian’s speech was not so long because, as he explained,
everyone was eager to listen to Levon Ter-Petrossian. "All is said
with the foundation of the Armenian National Congress," he concluded.

In a few minutes the leaders will announce names of the parties,
which are going to be members of the Congress.

At the moment Stepan Demirchian is delivering his speech. Chairman of
the "Democratic Way" Party Vardan Grigorian noted in his speech that
in the elections of Kanaker-Zeitun Community Leader due in September
the All Armenian Movement is going to support Manvel Gasparian,
son of late Manuk Gasparian.

Jidarian Alex:
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