Russia Needs Secure Land Transit To Armenia


01.08.2008 15:51 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia doesn’t need a span of former Georgian SSR,
because it’s strategically useless, says an article titled "Western
Transcaucasia: goals and ways to achieve them".

However, according to the author, Russia can’t put up with
transformation of its neighbors’ territory into a multipurpose
anti-Russian platform. "It includes bases of separatists, laboratory
of velvet resolutions, GUAM and home for NATO forces. Georgia has even
left behind the Baltic States known for their Russophobia," he says.

"Russia needs a secure, cheap and quality rest for its citizens in
local resorts and delivery of agricultural production in compliance
with Russian standards. It needs a land transit to Armenia, its only
ally in the Transcaucasia, surrounded by hostile Azerbaijan, neutral
Iran, NATO Turkey and NATO-aspired Georgia.

Some U.S. officials offer to resolve the Karabakh problem though
exchange of territories between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the latter
being isolated from Iran. An air-bridge a-la Berlin is impossible,
since Russia’s transport aviation is weak. We should never forget
about the 102nd base located in Armenia, which was reproached for
‘not sufficient pro-Russian position’. However, living in permanent
threat of blockade, our ally is holding on! No one knows how patient
it can be. Furthermore, in case of U.S. aggression against Iran the
issue of Iranian Azerbaijan will emerge and Armenia will one day
face a united 20-million Azerbaijan," says the article published by
Military-Industrial Courier (Voyenno-Promyshlenniy Kuryer).