Antihail Service Of Armenia Being Extended And Re-Equipped


Noyan Tapan

Au g 6, 2008

YEREVAN, AUGUST 6, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA ministry of emergency situations
has adopted the slogans "Everything for Human Security" and "There is
Nothing More Important than Human Security", the minister of emergency
situations Mher Shahgaldian stated at the August 6 press conference
on the occasion of the 100th day of his tenure.

The minister said that the main directions of the ministry’s activities
are the development and implementation of a strategy on the sector,
the acquisition of equipment and outfits, and the management and
development of human resources. Some work has already been done
in these directions. In particular, a strategy of protecting the
population from war consequences and in emergency situations was
developed, draft regulations on the rescue service were put into
circulation, and the main provisions of the program on creation of
"1-12" service are being developed. The salaries of rescuers were
raised at the expense of the ministry’s funds. The minister announced
that the 2009 state budget envisages a considerbale sum for raising
salaries of fire-fighting rescuers.

In the words of M. Shahgaldian, work is being done to extend and
re-equip the antihail service. There are currently 30 antihail stations
in Armenia, whereas about a thousand are needed.

Speaking about international cooperation, the minister said that
they cooperate actively with international structures and various
countries. For example, a preliminary agreement was reached with
Japanese Development Agency, which will allocate a grant for
updating and re-equipping the fire-fighting equipment of Yerevan
Department. Besides, it is envisaged to create fast response and
notification centers in Tavush and Lori marzes under an agreement
signed with GTZ organization (Germany).