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BAKU: Official Blames US Mediator For Inconsistency


AzerNews Weekly
Aug 6 2008

The Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry spokesman has blamed US co-chair
of the OSCE Minsk Group brokering settlement to the Upper (Nagorno)
Garabagh conflict for inconsistency in his statements.

"It is difficult to comment on Matthew Bryza`s statement regarding
the conflict settlement, as the statements he makes are expressed
tomorrow absolutely differently or refuted. I thereby suggest that
he be approached to clarify his views himself," Khazar Ibrahim told
a news conference Monday.

Bryza had told reporters in Moscow that the future status of Upper
Garabagh, an Azeri region under Armenian occupation, will be determined
through a referendum among its population.

Ibrahim emphasized that all Azeri citizens are to take part in the
referendum, in accord with the country`s Constitution.

"If we are talking about the principle of self-determination, this
issue can be solved only within territorial integrity, in line with the
Helsinki Final Act, which does not contradict Azerbaijan`s interests."

Ibrahim said that despite various statements being made, Baku`s
position on the issues currently on the negotiating table remains
unchanged. The conflict will be settled strictly stage by stage. In
the initial stage, Armenian armed forces will be withdrawn from the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Displaced persons will return
home, and only after normal conditions are created between the Azeri
and Armenian communities of Upper Garabagh will the region`s status
be determined within Azerbaijan.

"This is the only way to settle the conflict," the spokesman said.

Zargarian Hambik:
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