Assistance Programme In Progress


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
August 11, 2008

According to an agreement concludied between the NKR Government and
"Karabakh Telecom" CJSC, in 2008 "KT" will render 500 mln drams
assistance for realization of different programmes in the health
sphere of the NKR.

On August 9, the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan accompanied by
the General Manager of the "KT" company Ralph Yierikyan has visited
those medical establishments of Stepanakert, where works at the expence
of means rendered by the company are envesiged to be carried out. At
first they have visited the first aid station, where they have got
acquainted with the recently bought reanimation car the first in
Artsakh, which will afford an opportunity to securely transport
patients to Yerevan in case of urgency.

Then they have visited the sanitary epidemiologic station and
dermatovenerologic dispensary and the republican children’s hospital
("Arevik" medical establishment). Repair and overhaul works are
foreseen in the mentioned establishments for which modern equipment
will be obtained.