Pratt, Wang and Sarkissian Receive Honorary ARM Designation

Pratt, Wang and Sarkissian Receive Prestigious Honorary ARM Designation

Steven N. Siegler, ASA, International Chair of Appraisal Review and
Management (ARM) of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), has
announced that Dr. Shannon Pratt, FASA, (United States of America),
Mr. Chengjun Wang (Peoples Republic of China) and Mr. Hakob Sarkissian
(Russia) have received the highest honor offered by the ARM

These individuals are regarded by their international colleagues as
pioneers of modern valuation concepts and practices and as pillars in
and to the global valuation profession and we are honored to have them
join ARMs ranks. Each individual brings great honor to his country,
ARM and the ASA, and the worldwide valuation community.

These storied individuals will be honored at separate events at the
ASAs International Appraisal Conference in Minneapolis in
August. American Appraisal will host an awards dinner honoring these
deserving individuals on Sunday, August 3. Luminaries from throughout
the global valuation community will attend.

In honoring the accomplishments, dedication and academic thought of
these individuals, we as a society reflect on the words of Robert
F. Kennedy and the great poet James Merrill . . . It is not enough to
understand, or to see clearly. The future will be shaped in the area
of human activity by those willing to commit their minds and bodies to
the task at hand and there are moments when speech is but a mouth
pressed lightly and humbly against the angels hand. Messrs. Pratt,
Wang and Sarkissian are the embodiment of our society and its highest
